Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

I like the Red Baron's summation of the situation, it boils down to: "they spent too much time working out if they could do it, and not enough time working out if they should do it.
A) Do we have the Peanuts Comic Strip?
B) Will the song Snoopy and Red Baron be written?
C) will it become a pop favorite (even it we don't have The Royal Guardsmen)?
D) Will the real Red Baron hear of it?
E) who will be brave enough to ask him what he thinks of it?
How much real,damage did John Aleshire really did to the United States?
I could see him redirecting the limited resources of the FBI from counter espionage operations to other sections like Organized Crime.
I also could see him having the counter espionage focus more on British, French, and Russian efforts and there might be the occasional German secondary operation that gets busted while letting the main operation go unnoticed.
Otherwise it would have been too dangerous for Aleshire to pass sensitive and highly classified information directly to the Germans and he was more of a safety valve in case of extreme circumstances.
As an example he was watching the interrogation of Asia and could have informed his BND contact about it but the BND did nothing about it because Asia was not worth the risk of having Aleshire being possibly identified as an German asset.
Another thing is with no real Big Bad like the Soviet Union was IOTL information and technology should be more open and shared ITTL and it is the applications of it that is the real concern.


Well I am not fully clear about the motive of Dillinger. Yes Berlin may have been a prison of sorts but if you are the most wanted person in the USA even ITTL your choices tend to diminish greatly.

And no one with whom he had a beef with in the FBI is still working for them.

To paraphrase my first sentence his action is as unlogical as can be.

A small nitpick. Given the dog back for a home burial must have been somebody ignoring the laws in favor of Kat. Home burials of animals are for very good reasons not allowed in Germany.


Officially not and yes in the countryside when no vet is part of the story, of course. But in the middle of Berlin with a vet in the story… special allowance to Kat.
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And to have cockroaches inheritage earth.

First they won’t because they are cultural followers like mice and rat. All their radiation immunity won’t help them a bit once we we no longer give them warm homes in the wintertime.

And so far there are only two countries with nukes with both just having enough of them so the other side does not get any stupid ideas so maybe 1,000 on the German side and 500 or so on the US side.

Still there are people out there who think that western civilization would have survived a 1983 doomsday which is rubbish but here we are talking 1/50th of the nuclear arsenals of OTL cold war.
And to have cockroaches inheritage earth.

First they won’t because they are cultural followers like mice and rat. All their radiation immunity won’t help them a bit once we we no longer give them warm homes in the wintertime.

And so far there are only two countries with nukes with both just having enough of them so the other side does not get any stupid ideas so maybe 1,000 on the German side and 500 or so on the US side.

Still there are people out there who think that western civilization would have survived a 1983 doomsday which is rubbish but here we are talking 1/50th of the nuclear arsenals of OTL cold war.
I thought that the UK had nukes as well ITTL, they were the first to find out about fallout from atmospheric tests. The Germans tested all theirs underground.
I thought that the UK had nukes as well ITTL, they were the first to find out about fallout from atmospheric tests. The Germans tested all theirs underground.
The point still holds, though - the number of nukes ITTL is far smaller. So a nuclear war would mess up the countries involved, but the non-involved nations would mostly be OK, save for those immediately bordering.

Though of course, since our OP was joking, the situation won't arise :p
It is in the thing that Dillinger said to Aleshire, just having him in that office did damage.

That was a joke.

Indeed, there’s very little that terrifies a nation’s intelligence agencies more than a long-term sleeper agent, which Aleshire most assuredly was.

They may not actually do anything, but if they do something, they can be a one man deep cover army.
Can you imagine how far reaching this investigation could go: I see you were in kindergarten with Aleshire..."kindergarten", that's a German term isn't it?
Again, how sure are the US institutions that what Dillinger told them is true? They do not know where he was for all that time. So how was he able to get the info? Is Aleshire in deep dodo? Sure but can they realistically pin anything on him when he and Germany keep quite?

And yes that is not the same as no investigation, but at the same time what happens when they realy start to turn every dust flake and find... well what realy did he do?
Well I am not fully clear about the motive of Dillinger. Yes Berlin may have been a prison of sorts but if you are the most wanted person in the USA even ITTL your choices tend to diminish greatly.

And no one with whom he had a beef with in the FBI is still working for them.

To paraphrase my first sentence his action is as unlogical as can be.

A small nitpick. Given the dog back for a home burial must have been somebody ignoring the laws in favor of Kat. Home burials of animals are for very good reasons not allowed in Germany.

I think it was mentioned they buried the ashes, not the carcass? Or is that included in the prohibition?
I think it was mentioned they buried the ashes, not the carcass? Or is that included in the prohibition?
Partially a mistake on my part, I make those from time to time. I found out that the ashes could be returned but not the animal and edited to fix the mistake to reflect the new information.
So basically it is the fact that Aleshire was a deep agent for Germany then the actual transmission of information to Germany that is the problem.
Since this is the second time that Germany has compromised the Director of the FBI the solution may be to break up the FBI in to different agencies with one of them being a Domestic Counter Intelligence agency who’s function is to look for spies and do background checks for security clearances.
A) Do we have the Peanuts Comic Strip?
B) Will the song Snoopy and Red Baron be written?
C) will it become a pop favorite (even it we don't have The Royal Guardsmen)?
D) Will the real Red Baron hear of it?
E) who will be brave enough to ask him what he thinks of it?
A) von Richthofen aides were upset about the comic strip but he was flattered and sent an autographed strip with Snoopy fighting the Red Baron back to Charles Schultz.
B) The 1960's had a number of novelty hit records so it wouldn't be out of line for the song to be written but this is something that is up to the Author to decide.
C) Once again the 60's were full of novelty hit records and it is very likely if there is this song ITTL it would be a hit.
D) Of course he will if one thing that this timeline has established is that Manfred von Richthofen has an enormous ego and he will be interested in anything about him.
E) At first glance the only one brave enough to ask him would be Margraffin Marcella von Holtz but I could see Maria von Mischner-Blackwood singing the song in front of him while all the other adults are trying to stop her.
F) von Richthofen would see this as a way to keep his name and reputation front and center to a new generation.