What alternate history ideas you wish they were used more often?

I once had the idea of doing something like this. It would have been called The Finite is The Infinite, and would have concerned the consequences of Hegel dying of Bilious Fever at the age of 13, and the ripple effect that would have on philosophy, politics and culture globally. I gave up on it because I felt like I had to do more and more and more research for it and (being an university undergraduate at the time) I just didn't have the time or space for it.
Yeah thats perfectly understandable, Hegel's work is aa thicc as rock and by the time you read all of it making a "The World without Hegelian Philosophy" becomes less of an AH scenario for hobby and more so a university thesis to get a masters on
Yeah thats perfectly understandable, Hegel's work is aa thicc as rock and by the time you read all of it making a "The World without Hegelian Philosophy" becomes less of an AH scenario for hobby and more so a university thesis to get a masters on
Yeah, I had a few ideas for it, like--
>ITTL Marx essentially becoming the German equivalent of Charles Dickens (OTL Marx wrote a satirical novel called Felix & Scorpion, which he never finished), via the writing of satirical novels which place emphasis on prominent social issues and their horrors,
>Narodnism taking the place of communism in Russian history, with ITTL Trotsky being the founder of ITTL's equivalent of the USSR,
>Alternate outcomes for the lives of the various post-modern and post-structuralist thinkers, like Derrida becoming a famous footballer and Foucault a famous surgeon,
and one or two other things besides which I can't properly remember, since I have long since lost the Word doc which I wrote the whole thing down on.
Well, IMO, if as seem possible, that the Timurid empire,after his defeat/dead, would implode, then, OIMo, would be anything left that would have left to stop the Ottomans to take control/make tributaries to most of the Caucasus, Near East/Mesopotamia and even the westernmost part of the Iranian Plateau, in the course of the next years/decades...
You mean nothing left to stop the Ottomans am I right?
I think if Bayezid and Timur reversed fates the Ottomans might well have conquered or at least had a lot of influence in Iran, but I don't know if they could have held it. If they did, then it's questionable if they could have expanded as far West as they did in our world, just because they would have had to sink even more resources into controlling Iran so other conquests might be delayed and other powers would have more time to respond.

To make a contribution, Richard II once expressed a desire to become Holy Roman Emperor.

If by some utter fluke he succeeded, what strange path would English dynastic history have taken?
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Yeah, I had a few ideas for it, like--
>ITTL Marx essentially becoming the German equivalent of Charles Dickens (OTL Marx wrote a satirical novel called Felix & Scorpion, which he never finished), via the writing of satirical novels which place emphasis on prominent social issues and their horrors,
>Narodnism taking the place of communism in Russian history, with ITTL Trotsky being the founder of ITTL's equivalent of the USSR,
>Alternate outcomes for the lives of the various post-modern and post-structuralist thinkers, like Derrida becoming a famous footballer and Foucault a famous surgeon,
and one or two other things besides which I can't properly remember, since I have long since lost the Word doc which I wrote the whole thing down on.
Sounds interesting! What about Stirner?
Why? What happened with Brazil and Egoism? My Latin American history is rather patchy, to say the least.
its just a funny meme here to say that when someone(specially a self-centered person) did(or died of) something stupid that they "screwed themselves"(as in, the self-oral act) x3
And for Stirner's Egoism, that would be rather...fitting~
its just a funny meme here to say that when someone(specially a self-centered person) did(or died of) something stupid that they "screwed themselves"(as in, the self-oral act) x3
And for Stirner's Egoism, that would be rather...fitting~
Ah. Right. I've only been here for a couple of years, and the timelines I'm involved with were started mid-last-year (Heroes Through The Ages) and a couple of months ago (The Futureverse), so I'm new to many of the site memes (though I've cottoned onto some-- Thande-blaming and 'Need Not Democracy! Need Not Throwing Banana!' being my favourites). I'm also quite young, so I still have a lot to learn.
Ah. Right. I've only been here for a couple of years,
I was more so talking about my culture not the site's haha
and the timelines I'm involved with were started mid-last-year (Heroes Through The Ages) and a couple of months ago (The Futureverse), so I'm new to many of the site memes (though I've cottoned onto some-- Thande-blaming and 'Need Not Democracy! Need Not Throwing Banana!' being my favourites). I'm also quite young, so I still have a lot to learn.
Dont worry! Im a rather new member too
Heck you might have been here for longer than I am, but in any case you're always welcome here
i'm presently reading through the Book of Judges in the Old Testament as the last (or next to last) reading goal during Lent and one interesting possibility jumped out at me that i don't think i've ever heard of before: what if Gideon accepted the offer to become king of the Israelites instead of retiring after he'd defeated the Midianites? i hadn't thought of it until i was typing this out just now, but that (the OTL/"OTL" events) kinda makes him a Cincinnatus-type figure, doesn't it?


Gone Fishin'
I want a Moluccas fishing fleet colonized northern Australia/ Marege. I also want a country in Northeastern Amerca that is a mixture of Mi'kmaq, Basque and Breton fisherman and Portuguese.
Actually belacan is part of the diet of North coast aboriginal peoples
Having Australia move a few degrees more South and have half of Australia be host to indigenous civilizations and half be inhospitable wasteland.
i'm presently reading through the Book of Judges in the Old Testament as the last (or next to last) reading goal during Lent and one interesting possibility jumped out at me that i don't think i've ever heard of before: what if Gideon accepted the offer to become king of the Israelites instead of retiring after he'd defeated the Midianites? i hadn't thought of it until i was typing this out just now, but that (the OTL/"OTL" events) kinda makes him a Cincinnatus-type figure, doesn't it?

Antother intresting Biblical AHTL would be king Salomon's successor being more competent and managing to keep Kingdom of Israel as unified nation instead it being splitted and later they defeat Egyptians and Assyrians making Israel Mid-Eastern great power.
I was more so talking about my culture not the site's haha

Dont worry! Im a rather new member too
Heck you might have been here for longer than I am, but in any case you're always welcome here
My apologies. You're also new? You speak with authority, like someone who's been around here for ages.


Gone Fishin'
Same, which is a shame cos there's a lot of potential there but I can kind of see why as there's so many potential answers to the premise that it becomes a lot to consider; still I'd love to see it explored and do have some thoughts on the subject.

1: Is "New Zealand" still created?
If so then there's probably a couple of ports on the continent, but they'd not be designed with expansion in mind and likely be a sort of 'resigned to Siberia' thing, a few dozen people, a shitty barracks and supplies, plus fishing equipment and poultry. This would lead to much slower, more drawn out contact and interactions that would be heavily reliant on the local port and whoever sneaks off the ships or gets cast out for one reason or another.

2: Assuming "New Zealand" isn't a thing
The continent would by and large be avoided by European powers, its winds aren't favorable, its coast is rough and they don't think there's anything or anyone there of significant worth. However, this wouldn't stop Makassan sailors or others from sailing down to trade so long as the market for Sea Cucumbers didn't dry up, so that creates an avenue for bleed through of materials and ideas from the rest of the world, if a small one.
Aside from that, I imagine the continent becomes sort of a refuge for "scoundrels" and the like who are well bottom out of luck and are now just trying to not die, and also a bastion for criminals or even revolutionaries to hide out. Plus there's of course missionaries, both Islamic and Christian, however neither of these would have much if any government backing so I doubt they'd meet with much success so much as be regarded as obnoxious and pushy interlopers as it wouldn't be the skilled evangelists going.

3: If an attempt had been made or considering point 2
Then I would say some livestock like Water buffalo, pigs and horses may well have ended up there and likely either causing problems, or becoming beasts of burden to the indigenous population, likely a mix of the two. Sheep & poultry wouldn't last however. Besides that, a combination of leaked ideas, tools and trade, along with local ingenuity, could definitely see internal changes coming about, especially if a colonization attempt had been made, or simple visits and disease disrupted local systems and power structures enough to cause really intense waves that could lead to cascading changes.

4: Long term, I am unsure the continent and people would be ignored forever, forever, its a lot of land if nothing else and around the World War 1 era Japan at least was desperate to join the "big boys clubs" of colonizers and might start simply so they can say "Look I'm a big boy too!" though likely only once done wit Korea unless butterflies from these past even caused that to be less tenable.

Those are just some off the cuff thoughts however and not even close to the width and breadth of potential that could be applied to such an idea.
Wow. Very interesting. I have a very hard time imagining this or suspending disbelief at great powers/colonizers largely keeping hands off Australia while things largely go on as they did like OTL with a world of space-filling empires. But maybe that's my anchoring bias from OTL. No, definitely is. And the idea is still quite interesting.