Recent content by Garrison

  1. What might've happened if the Allies didn't exist, and the countries within never declared war on the axis?

    Perhaps, but since the basic premise of the OP is so farfetched as to render it academic. The only way the guarantee to Poland isn't issued is if there is no Munich Agreement and the. Germans don't march into Prague. It should be remembered that Hitler didn't expect the Munich negotiations to...
  2. What might've happened if the Allies didn't exist, and the countries within never declared war on the axis?

    Sorry but you are wrong here, reclaiming Alsace-Lorraine and destroying the French army were prerequisites for turning east, the intent to reclaim Alsace-Lorraine was right there in Mein Kampf. The idea that Hitler thought the French and British would stay neutral is a myth, he knew full well...
  3. Did Ronald Reagan really sell drugs to minority neighborhoods? (Yes, this is a serious question)

    There have certainly been suggestions that the CIA turned a blind eye to drug running to prop up the likes of the Contras but its been wildly exaggerated in the years since.
  4. What might've happened if the Allies didn't exist, and the countries within never declared war on the axis?

    There was no alliance in 1939 and all that really united the British and the French was the security guarantee to Poland. Once Germany invaded Poland a declaration by those countries was inevitable. The war started because Hitler wanted a war, and kept pushing until he got one.
  5. Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    To what possible end? Stalin generally acted from cold strategic calculation when it came to foreign policy.
  6. British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    Ignoring the distinctly unlikely scenario Churchill will still lose the election because the Labour manifesto aligns with what the majority of the British people wanted and the Conservatives just couldn't offer a similarly radical agenda. The new PM would still be Attlee.
  7. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    I am assuming someone in the State Department spent a miserable few months in Spain at some point?
  8. Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    The Germans can invade Spain successfully, but it will create serious problems. Firstly Vichy is technically neutral, letting the Germans deploy forces to attack Spain will cause serious internal problems in France, possibly leading to the execution of Case Anton and depending on the timing that...
  9. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    I am working on a new WW2 TL, which I like to think as the mother of all Alliedwanks :)
  10. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    Actually I selected all markets. Here's the link for the USA:
  11. Munich Shuffle: 1938-1942

    Okay so after several delays owing to work, illness and just prevaricating in case Sea Lion Press did stir themselves to answer the first volume of the TL is up on Amazon:
  12. CP Victory:Labour wins 1918 election

    Of course they can, its just that the scenario proposed by the OP is more than a little unrealistic and they have consistently refused to offer their views on what would happen if Labour did win the 1918 election.
  13. The Germans build carriers, instead of battleships, prior to WW2

    No it wasn't a fluke, it was a result of the Germans having limited resources. Also both those flying boats were operated by the Luftwaffe. I also question whether air launched German torpedoes will function better than those carried by ships and U-Boats.
  14. CP Victory:Labour wins 1918 election

    But there in lies the question, why were the Americans willing to offer unsecured loans? There seems to a be a presumption that the Americans in WW1 didn't really care who won the war and yet this is clearly not the case. Prewar all the outstanding issues with the British had been settled and...
  15. CP Victory:Labour wins 1918 election

    Except they can't just seize collateral, you once again seem to be putting forth a very odd view of how the war was conducted, and the economic situation of the combatants.