Recent content by I'tikaf

  1. I'tikaf

    Pagan Europe - Could churches become popular even without Christianity?

    Not to mention a healthy amount of eurocentrism, yes this thread is about europe but you cant really think about the progression of the role of religion in one area of the world while excluding the region which had the most impact on it religiously: Asia. Are we really gonna ignore the...
  2. I'tikaf

    List of monarchs III

    This France list is interesting in its almost as if France is pulling an Aceh/Pattani in its preponderance of Queens I'm curious to know if you were at all inspired by these parallel accidental ' matriarchies ' in Southeast Asia. France seems to be more of an Aceh in terms of Female Rule...
  3. I'tikaf

    AHC: Islamic Aztec, Inca and other pre Columbian empires/civilizations

    what? this is completely inaccurate, Sufis do not disagree with nor attack monotheism, also what's this conspiracy theory about western propaganda propagating the fact that Sufism has largely been the conversion to Islam. Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Arabi both the two defining theologians of Classical...
  4. I'tikaf

    AHC / WI : A muslim germanic people

    Notwhistanding that this is pre-1900 both those theories are untenable. Hitler wouldn't have converted to a religion that ultimately was full of Untermensch he regarded Arabs as inferior barbarians and privately confided in his confidantes that he only maintained as much of a relationship with...
  5. I'tikaf

    Moonlight in a Jar: An Al-Andalus Timeline

    Ayo as a tea lover I might turn Mahdist... this is a highly based opinion ngl
  6. I'tikaf

    List of monarchs III

    Its still quite strange and would invalidate her status as a Mother of the Believers considering his descent would not be from the Prophets' lineage and thus useless to any political aims. And yes the fact they didnt have children is well documented by Islamic standards people dont make claims...
  7. I'tikaf

    List of monarchs III

    Aisha (RA) never had children by the Prophet (SAW) and she like the Prophets' (SAW) other wives never remarried.
  8. I'tikaf

    Explain the AH Quote

    Patriarch Irenaios, of Palestine to his aides before dispatching them to procure prominent Druze leader and religious-pluralist, Redha Mansour in the hours preceding the first instances of violence that would eventually break open into hostilities and mark the beginning of the decade long...
  9. I'tikaf

    AHC: Celtic muslim nation

    What about the Americas, essentially a Celtic-speaking Nation colonizes a substantial portion of the Carribean maybe Scotland or a Celtic Britain while at the same time colonizing West Africa and/or Indonesia. Much like OTLs' colonizer of Indonesia the Dutch they initially import slaves as a...
  10. I'tikaf

    No Islam: Religious development in Arabia

    Arabia might well remain a multireligious multipolar region. Certainly the Persians and the Romans if they both survived in some form would still retain control over certain vassal states (Lakhmids and Ghassanids) and colonies (Bahrain was a colony of Persia no?) in the region but other than...
  11. I'tikaf

    List of monarchs III

    POD: Li Zicheng doesn't alienate Wu Sangui, enabling him to consolidate the Shun Dynasty Emperors of China 1644-1671: Li Zicheng/Yongchang (Great Shun) [1] 1671-1722: Tiansheng (Great Shun) [2] 1722-1725: Cijiong (Great Shun) [3] 1725-1742: Qingguang (Great Shun)[4] [1] Li Zicheng was born a...
  12. I'tikaf

    List of monarchs III

    claiming China btw are these temple names we're using? I'm not familiar with Imperial Chinese naming conventions yet lmao
  13. I'tikaf

    Moonlight in a Jar: An Al-Andalus Timeline

    Then read it again? What do you need a summary of the Chapter?
  14. I'tikaf

    AHC: Samaritan Population roughly similar in size to their Jewish Counterparts

    That doesn't relate at all to what you just said. Why would Jewish revolts make Samaria Christian?