Recent content by Maponus

  1. Maponus

    British politics in a TL in which Hitler is assassinated in 1943

    The war will go worse for Germany because a anti-Nazi military government will be lynched by angry mobs while Wehrmacht soliders, shocked by the treachery of their officers, stand aside and let it happen. It will last a month at most. Disgusted by the response of the German people, British...
  2. Maponus

    WI/PC: Jacobites target the French Throne

    They are arrested.
  3. Maponus

    AHC: A White Nationalist neopagan country.

    "Whatever the fuck Himmler's brand of esoteric mysticism" was actually just monotheism stripped of Abrahmanic content, so it would fail to met the requirements of the challange.
  4. Maponus

    What would a Communist Britain name things?

    In that case it would most likely be a "Cooperative Commonwealth" practicing "Industrial Democracy," to use terminology common in the Labour movement of the day. Workplaces would be run by Cooperatives, or possibly Guilds if something unusual happens. Some on the British left hark back to the...
  5. Maponus

    What would a Communist Britain name things?

    If we are talking about the Communist Party of Great Britain then I'm afraid it won't be anything especially unique or interesting. As the title of their 1935 programme helpfully suggests, they wanted "a Soviet Britain," and throughout the programme refer to "Workers Councils" and the "Workers...
  6. Maponus

    AHC: Make Russian an accepted part of the west.

    If Russia dramatically changes enough to be part of "the West", it will be a geopolitical turning point so big that the very term "West" will probably cease being used in the way it is shortly after it happens. Our current conception of "the West" is primarily a product of the Cold War, before...
  7. Maponus

    WW2/Cold War if Alaska had been part of the USSR?

    Lots of replies have mentioned the problem of Anglophone workers might present for the Soviets, but for some reason people aren't clocking that this is likely as big or a even bigger problem for anyone trying to make a "White Taiwan." These workers will undoubtedly take part in the Revolution...
  8. Maponus

    Is it possible for a French-style revolution to succeed anywhere?

    In many ways the American Revolution is the successful British Revolution. The diffusion of so many dissenters, both religious and political, to the colonies ultimately saved the monarchy at home. The many contradictions of the Reformation, the Civil War, the Restoration and the Glorious...
  9. Maponus

    WI: An Anti-Appeasement Popular Front in Interwar Britain

    The problem here is that the National Government was very strong and very popular, and that the UK left in this same period is relatively moribund and has been devastated by a series of spilts that has seen large numbers of "National Liberals" and "National Labour" politicians peel away to the...
  10. Maponus

    Survival of Jacobitism into the 19th Century and Beyond

    There was actually a minor Neo-Jacobite revival amongst artsy right-wing intellectual types in the late 19th and early 20th century, but it was killed off by the Bavarian claiments being on the wrong side of World War One (turns out no one wants to restore the true King over the sea if the true...
  11. Maponus

    What civilization or nation deserves to have its own TL?

    The Most Serene Republic of this Kingdom of Naples of the 17th century gets surprisingly little attention on here, considering how much its success would have changed.
  12. Maponus

    What if Hitler had been a monarchist?

    It's not a particulary outlandish idea. The Nazi Party was tactically open to restoring the monarchy before taking power and the Crown Prince of Prussia was himself enarmoured with National Socialism, so you don't really need to change anything in the parties ideology, you just need to alter the...
  13. Maponus

    Mossadegh stays on the US' good side?

    Every possibility Britain and the Iranian elites go ahead with the coup anyway.
  14. Maponus

    WI: Major figures in NSDAP are held to account for participation in post WW1 Soldier's Councils

    We should bear in mind that most average Germans would either know someone who took part in revolutionary councils or was involved in the Revolution themsleves, especially if they were an enlisted soldier themselves. Even some Freikorp members were supporters of the SDP and thought they were...