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  1. Tudorfan

    Would the English parliament approve another Hundred Years' War against France in this scenario?

    Note; Portugal would not come to Edward until the 1570s anyway; assuming Sebastian is born on schedule, he doesn't shuffle off his mortal coil until 1578. C. 1558, when Mary dies, the Portuguese succession is Sebastian Phillip Carlos Edward So anything concerning Portugal in this comes in much...
  2. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule

    1) Probably. 2) Elizabeth doesn't actually want the throne. Mary was always the heiress and she was the spare and never expected to become Queen, so she's happy. But wait and see. 3) Well, that would be spoilers, wouldn't it?
  3. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule

    Oh, bums. Yes, she is. Sorry, I wrote this scene for later, and forgot one!
  4. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule

    No, no. Young Henry is perfectly fine. He cries a lot and poops a lot, but then all babies do that.
  5. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule

    They’re frowning at her question. She asks “what is it?” and they frowned, not realising she’s asking about the baby. They thought she was talking about something else.
  6. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule

    Oh, yeah: by the time we come back (since the next chapter is, spoiler, c.1533) Mary has moved on. We’ll see her settled - well, at least not waiting on Henry - by the next chapter.
  7. Tudorfan

    Snapshots - Alternate Universes

    I mean, yeah, true, but she’s not exactly had a bad innings by then has she?
  8. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule
    Threadmarks: Book The Second: Catherine of Austria - The Spanish Princess

    ...his face. He whirls on the heels of his feet and strides away. Catherine does not let herself cry until she can no longer hear his footsteps. *~*~*~*~* Whitehall Palace, Westminster, England, 15 September 1529 it is late at night and Whitehall is silent, though it will not remain so for...
  9. Tudorfan

    Snapshots - Alternate Universes

    She's 62. That's not exactly unfortunate. She's had a damn good innings.
  10. Tudorfan

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    Uh, maybe, only with some better reproductive history...
  11. Tudorfan

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    I may or may not have gone a little mad with this... Juan III, King of Castile, Aragon and Leon (b. 30 June 1478 - d. 1538) m. Margaret of Austria, Queen of Castile, Aragon and Leon (b. 10 January 1480 - d. 1 December 1530) Margaret (b. July 1497 - d. 1535) m. Louis XII, King of France (b. 27...
  12. Tudorfan

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    The year is 1553; Edward VI lives a few months longer, allowing his new succession devise to pass Parliament (in September) and become law. Jane, thus, succeeds to the throne. Jane I of England (b. 1537 - d. 1597) m. Guildford Dudley, Duke of Clarence (b. 1536 - d. 1590) Jane (stillborn b...
  13. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule

    Thanks. I had no idea how olden timey marriage certificates worked, so I went for the next best thing - current ones.
  14. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule

    Sort of? It wasn't intended to be crass. Anne is just saying she is plump bottomed. Truth be told, from the scene I used to adapt it, I did not notice it at the time of writing. (It was also meant to be mount not mound, so thank you for spotting that for me too!)
  15. Tudorfan

    An Heir To Rule
    Threadmarks: Book The Second: Catherine of Austria - The Spanish Princess outward appearance betrays a shallow mind, Hannah. But, since you mention it, I shall call him Mister Buzzard." The two titter to themselves. *~*~*~*~* Downstairs, Nathanial Cropper, man-servant to Sir Martin Lacey, watches out of a ground floor window. "It's not yet three of the clock...
  16. Tudorfan

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    34. Hardly mid. She could have one or two more until about 37, but probably no older.
  17. Tudorfan

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    Perhaps, but it's not impossible. After all, we only have Catherine to go on since Joanna was widowed young, Isabel died, and Juan died young. They may have continued to breed into their 30s if they'd had the opportunity.
  18. Tudorfan

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    See, the thing with Maria is this: she seemed to never stop breeding and did, in fact, die of complications a few months after her last child was born, so killing her off a few years later in childbirth should be fine - it's just delaying the inevitable, basically.
  19. Tudorfan

    top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    Or it could be when we rescue Ven, perhaps? And they add in a flashbacks episode or 2 narrated by Aqua to explain what happened?
  20. Tudorfan

    top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    Forget BBS for now. Since they need Ven/Aqua/Terra to have not aged, the BBS stuff is done as flashbacks in KH3, perhaps during the Terranort fight?