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  1. Aisha Clan-Clan

    What if Theodore Roosevelt had decided to run for an official second term in 1908?

    TR wins his extra term. 20th century remains recognizablt bue even worse due to TR's OTL influence on fascists/communists/more bureaucratic-authoritarian elements of "free world" amplified. There's a few more genocides of at least 1-2 million people dead and at least one with 5-10 million if not...
  2. Aisha Clan-Clan

    How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    I said "soviet alliance" not "supported by the western left" for a reason. Getting Rhodesia or south africa supported by the western US/UK/frencrh moderate/mainstream left implies either no WWII or WWII that's the UK-US-france-germany-italy against USSR-Japan axis and implied radically different...
  3. Aisha Clan-Clan

    How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    Eh, they'd just need to claim they're "more progressive" somehow. Feudalism or ewarly capitalism as a higheer level than slave society/tribal society. Is the reasoning insane? Yeeah but it doesn't mean the logic couldn't have been assembled. Is therre any geopolitical reasoning or them to do...
  4. Aisha Clan-Clan

    How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    Hey, I said it was OP's job to come up with the legwork to justify it. I didn't say it was particularly likely...
  5. Aisha Clan-Clan

    How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    Their problem was trying to be reactionary and western-aligned. If they'd been soviet-aligned somehow, they would have gotten both protection from marxist guerillas as well as protections from western intelligenstisa. No idea how to get Rhodesia as a soviet ally, that's on OP to figure out, lol.
  6. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Decolonisation without WW2 and Soviet Union

    No USSR just changes the ideology of the rebels in the global south the russians fund. In TTL they'd just fund local nationalists instead of communism. So yeah no change there. no WWII? Yeah, that's significant for decolonization. Probably 5-15 year delay depending on specific country for asian...
  7. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI — Mondale takes pass on running in 1984 against Reagan ? ?

    You get the corporate neoliberals trying and failing in '84 and '88. Hart flops in 1984, Clinton in 1988. Good ol' east coast liberal Mario Cuomo takes power in 1992.
  8. Aisha Clan-Clan

    AHC: The United States legalizes marijuana in the 1970s — with the help of a better activist group than “NORML” ! ! !

    You want a pod to get to speed things up a decade to get it at least STARTIGN with like 3 states in the 1970s? Avoid prohibition on top of my first POD. This prevents feds getting involved in anti-marijuana initiatives, leaving it to the states. You end up with some states that are both...
  9. Aisha Clan-Clan

    AHC: The United States legalizes marijuana in the 1970s — with the help of a better activist group than “NORML” ! ! !

    ...proto-neocons to pull off legal marijuana in the 1970s. On this POD I'm unironically sympathetic so me arguing "it can't be done in 1970s but we *can* have it starting to be legal in 80s and 90s, probably on similar lines to where it's legal now" is me trying to work with you. At absolute...
  10. Aisha Clan-Clan

    What could and would Newton Baker likely have done with his Presidential term starting in 1933? mostly similar programs, the main difference comes in how it's funded(using land value tax instead of income/sales/property taxes). Given it funded in a less socially intrusive way than income/sales taxes this implies a probably less regulatory and more vague sectoral corporatist *New Deal.
  11. Aisha Clan-Clan

    AHC: The United States legalizes marijuana in the 1970s — with the help of a better activist group than “NORML” ! ! !

    Earliest I can do for marijuana legalization on a federal level given same cultural configuration circa 1960 as OTL is probably, like 2010. However, if you flip 1976 to have a long democratic/liberal period 1981-1997/2001/2005 you'd potentially see that trope of 1960s SF novels with a bunch of...
  12. Aisha Clan-Clan

    What could and would Newton Baker likely have done with his Presidential term starting in 1933?

    Georgist-Labor coalition america instead of OTL's Progressive-labor coalition? Be still my beating heart. Not as utopian as having georgists beat progs to the punch but a way better domestic policy for sure. Foreign policy? Probably little to no change given the electorate's moood back then...
  13. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: Government of India Act 1935 introduced in 1919

    Ok so india is in there OTL? Did not know that
  14. Aisha Clan-Clan

    AHC: Perón loses the 1946 Election

    Argentina declines like it/uruguay/australia/new zealand did in OTL but the level or rate of decline is closer to australia/NZ. So you get a lower end of first world argentina with annoyingly #populist politics. Call it say a greek or malaysian level of development, basically. Still not great...
  15. Aisha Clan-Clan

    The World Zionist Organization accepts the Uganda Scheme

    Uh... A whole lot of horrible stuff happens. zionism happens in uganda instead. There's a US-Sotuh Africa-Rhodesia-Israel-Portugal axis in the region. Blacks remain segregated in the US thanks to alot of the older great/silent/boomer generation moderate or liberal pro-israel hawks being small-c...
  16. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: Government of India Act 1935 introduced in 1919

    Eh, a republic would happen given the third world's nationalist mood in that era. Sure, it'd help that India got canada/australia level dominion status in 1945 but given the era, I see zero chance of them not going republican. India being willing to participate in the commonwealth unlike OTL...
  17. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Nixon’s Supreme Court nominee Harrold Carswell becomes an unlikely hero ? ! ?

    Having a politically independent judiciary is insane. The combo of having a jgovernment _and_ a powerful judiciary or having no government but instead judges like somalia/medieval iceland both sound horrible. I'd rather have a government with a way weaker judiciary, no more of this "judicial...
  18. Aisha Clan-Clan

    WI: Government of India Act 1935 introduced in 1919

    Probably a smooth transition to full dominion status in roughly OTL's independence timeframe. India probably drops the dominion status sometime not long after suez as decolonization really picks up steam. No Pakistan/Bangladesh ubt instead you probably have a generation or two of serious...
  19. Aisha Clan-Clan

    Drakaverse Images

    The horrific outfits are 100% in canon. The guy described as dressing "eccentrically", uh he'd be seen as dressing conservatively. Reread the first two draka books to see the RIDICULOUS outfits the draka citizens wore.