burgundian inheritance

  1. Kurd Gossemer

    France gets Burgundian Inheritance, what now?

    The question is simple, basically France is capable of acquiring the whole of the Burgundian Inheritance, either via Mary of Burgundy being born later and being wed to Charles VIII of France or the French having success in conquering it fully from the Austrians or maybe Charles the Bold is...
  2. Mary of Burgundy born male?

    I've thought about this for a while, but I have been preoccupied with other TL's to focus on it, but now I've found time to discuss this. What if Mary of Burgundy (Philip of Burgundy after his grandfather in this TL) was born a male instead of a girl? One thing that would obviously change is...
  3. WI: Margaret of York has a son

    In OTL, Margaret of York, daughter of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville had a childless marriage with Charles the Bold. But what if Margaret had given birth to a son in 1473, named Phillip (after Charles' father). What would be the butterflies of this occurrence...
  4. Mary the Rich marries Nicholas of Anjou, Charles the Bold dead at Neuss. Now what?

    In 1473, Nicholas, Duke of Lorraine, was engaged to mary the heiress of Burgundy, Mary the Rich. If the engagement had gone through to marriage (a big if, given that Charles, Mary's father, had offered her hand to just about every crowned head in Europe at that point), then this would have...
  5. A Portuguese TL, So tem um Deus. Portugal Inherits. Burgundy...

    CHAPTER 1 The Marriage. The Young Prince of Portugal, Joao II is still waiting for him to suceed his father, he has alot of plans with the nation of Portugal. He bravely joined his Father in the campaign in Morocco against Arzilha and is ready to become King of Portugal when its needed. His...
  6. What if the Habsburgs didn't inherit Spain and Bohemia-Hungary?

    As you all know, the Habsburgs sold their soul to the devil to roll nat 20s in the 15th and early 16th century which got them Burgundy, Spain and Bohemia&Hungary. Now what if they only inherited Burgundy but not the others? This can be achieved survive by having Joannas brother John or Miguel...
  7. kaiidth

    Sovereign of the Netherlands, son of Isabella Clara Eugenia
    Threadmarks: 1. How it begins

    The most noble Couple Albert (born 13 November 1559) and Isabella Clara Eugenia (born 12 August 1566) , Infanta of Spain, by the grace of God Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Burgundy, Lothier, Brabant, Limburg, Luxembourg and Guelders, Counts of Habsburg, Flanders, Artois, Burgundy, Tyrol...
  8. DracoLazarus

    Silver Crepes and Golden Waffles - an Earlier Breton Succession Crisis TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Silver Crepes and Golden Waffles - an Earlier Breton Succession Crisis TL Monday, 30th December 1479 Château de Clisson, Clisson, Duchy of Brittany The partly-molten snow was falling on the Breton castle as the sun set, and it was truly a horrible day to be out. However, the work on the...
  9. kasumigenx

    Madamme de Massif - A Burgundian timeline
    Threadmarks: Madamme de Massif

    Madamme de Massif Madamme de Massif On 1361, at the age of 15 years old, either of the plague or from injuries suffered in riding accident, Philip of Rouvres or Philip I of Burgundy would die before he could consummate his marriage to Margaret of Flanders, his sister, Jeanne of Burgundy and...
  10. kasumigenx

    Return of the Wettins
    Threadmarks: The Inheritance

    Return of the Wettins The Inheritance On 1474, Margaret of York would give birth to two children, a son named Philip, count of Charloais and a daughter named Isabella, apparently, Nicholas of Anjou would die on 1473 just before he would have a chance to marry Mary of Burgundy. On 1475, Mary...
  11. Maximilian I was sterile

    Ispired by discussion in Bavaria Unites Germany thread: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/ahc-bavaria-unites-germany.458221/ As title says, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I can't have children. Serious changes would start after his marriage with Mary of Burgundy, which would...