
  1. Persia retains Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1804-1813?

    The Russo Persian War of 1804-1813 was simultaneous to, and deeply affected by, the Napoleonic Wars. The Qajar dynasty, young, unstable and weak, sought foreign aid to turn its army into a force capable of standing up to the Russians, but the shifting dynamics in Europe screwed them over: the...
  2. Perfectus Romae (What if Rome didn't fall?)

    So in this timeline, Aurelian survives the assassination attempt by some of his officers. Executing those responsible, he launches campaigns in Germania but is killed a year in by a plague. Aurelian is succeeded by Tacitus, who finished the wars of his predecessor but was killed in a battle...
  3. A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia
    Threadmarks: Foundations of the Church

    From “History of the Apostolic Church” by Afshin Khorrami Even after the death(and some say resurrection) of that certain man from Nazareth, the young religion of Christianity continued to gain new members in spite of official persecution. The young church ran into increasing issues with its...
  4. Qajar Persia retakes Azerbaijan from Russia in 1826-28? Following more than a decade of military reform, spearheaded by crown prince Abbas Mirza, and a minor but victorious border war against the Ottoman Empire, the Qajar dynasty attempted to reconquer the territories it lost to the...
  5. Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar isn't assassinated?

    Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar was the first member of the Qajar dynasty to rule Iran, reunifying a country which had been torn apart by countless civil wars ever since the death of Karim Khan Zand in 1779. A brilliant but brutal conqueror, he reasserted Iranian authority over northern Azerbaijan and...
  6. An Expansive Alternate Timeline - The Riotous 5th Century

    Shalom, I would like to share the first stirrings of a new timeline I'm working on. The scope is so unfocused and the divergences so numerous that I've elected to name this timeline "the Riotous 5th century." Right now the starting date for the timeline is 451 AD - the year that Attila, seeing...
  7. Effects of more successful Mazdakism?

    Let's say that Mazdak's teachings triumph over the mainstream Zoroastrian establishment, either taking over the church entirely or becoming a widely practiced subsect of Zoroastrianism. How would this affect Iranian culture, religious tendencies and politics? IOTL, the legacy of the Mazdakites...
  8. Mardavij isn't assassinated?

    Mardavij was a Zoroastrian Persian warlord who, in five years, conquered a large portion of what is now Iran, creating a state that stretched from the Caspian Sea to Shiraz and from Hamadan to Isfahan. However, he was murdered in 935 and his kingdom fell apart soon after, quickly being reduced...
  9. Apollonidai of the Oikoumene: Seleukos's Assassination is Averted, 281 BC
    Threadmarks: Averting Evil, Fall 31 MS to Spring 31 MS

    APOLLONIDAI OF THE OIKOUMENE Averting Evil, Fall 31 Meta Seleukos to Spring 31 Meta Seleukos There was a stirring in the room behind him. Demetrios, no novice to guard duty, opened his eyes and stiffened to attention. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Metron across the doorway doing the same...
  10. AdamNeuser

    Plausible outcomes of Timur not coming to power?

    Timur's reign is largely considered to have been quite detrimental to Ottoman expansion and the survival of the Golden Horde and Delhi Sultanates. What would some of the outcomes have been had he not come to power?
  11. No Sassanids/Zoroastrian revival

    As it says on the lid, this AHQ is a two-parter. The first question if what if the house of Sassan was never founded, or was struck down during their initial rise to take over the lands of the Parthians. Who would replace them? Some other noble dynasty out of Persia seems most likely, but are...
  12. SunKing105

    WI: Astyages crushes Cyrus' revolt?

    Now, while I know this period is poorly understood, to the point where it's doubted if a "Median Empire" even existed as an actual entity, or if the pre-imperial Achaemenids(about whom we know very little) were actually subject to said Medes and what such a relationship would look like, a basic...
  13. GameBawesome

    WI/AHC: Wank Nizari Ismaili Persia

    So, context. A lot people are familiar with the Order of Assassins, or Hashashins (Probably mostly from Assassin's Creed). However, what some people might be unaware of is that the Hashasins were actually an independent theocracy that had a network of castles from Syria to Persia/Iran, that...
  14. Achaemenid Persia Empire becomes democracy

    What Achaemenid Persia transiotioned into a democracy with a constitution like Roman Republic and meritocratic bureaucracy voting rights to all Free males persian by descent of Persus(fars of today) as said by Otanes after Bardyia is overthrown and before darius is king just assume thing...
  15. Maurice conquers Persia

    pls answer follow up questions what if Maurice conquers Persia or atleast Mesopotamia and persian gulf coast using Sasanian civil war of 589-591 since in OTL it was with his army Khosrow II reconquered iran He does this by having Khosrow II killed secret after he is exiled to Byzantine empire...
  16. Did the Persians "forget" about the Achaemenids?

    I am curious as to whether Post-Seleucid Persian civilisation forgot about their Achaemenid forebears. I wonder this due to the lack of clear references pertaining to Cyrus' dynasty dated after the fall of his empire. The Sassanids did not trace their empire back to that of the Achaemenids but...
  17. How plausible is for the romans don’t invade Britannia and choose to conquer and annex Mesopotamia and Susiana instead?

    Exactly what says in the title. Would the romans choose to go to battle against the parthians in full force to conquer one of the most wealthy regions of the antiquity instead of just conquering a bunch of celtic tribes in Britannia?
  18. Sevarics

    WI: Persian Arabia

    So I’ve seen lots of what if’s regarding Greek and Roman conquests of Arabia. But, I don’t recall any regarding a Persian conquest of Arabia. So, what if one of the Persian dynasties conquered the entire Arabian coastline ? Could Arabia, or its coastal hinterlands, be Persianized ? Could...
  19. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: This "Persian" Empire Existed?

    OTL, the Farsi Plateu has been host to a wide array of powerful civilizations, but few of them ever spread beyond its borders. But, doing some browsing, i found this weird alternate history map of a "Persian Empire," supposedly founded in the collapse of the Medians. The map is supposedly around...
  20. kasumigenx

    Alanic Empire
    Threadmarks: Space for the Alans

    On 370, the Huns would expand south from Volga and on 400, they would clash with the Eastern Roman Empire, a battle that they would lose so they would decide to move Southwest Instead and join the Hephthalites. The Huns would join the Hepthalites in their migrations to the South, this might...