progressive party

  1. Teddy Roosevelt enacts Universal Health Care

    Theodore Roosevelt campaigned for nomination in the 1912 Republican National Convention and lost. He founded the Progressive Party to campaign seperately for the Presidential Election. The party's platform called for Universal Health Care. Yet the party the 1912 elections. America didn't develop...
  2. WI: Robert La Follette joins TR's Progressive party.

    Robert Marion "Fighting Bob" La Follette Sr is one of the most prominent politicians ever to come out of Wisconsin. Having already represented the state in the house and serving two full terms as Governor (and being elected to a third) he was elected to the Senate in 1905. While he would have a...
  3. Bomster

    How can Teddy Roosevelt win in 1912?

    In American politics, being a third party is difficult. Historically a two party system, the United States has rarely had a third party find success in elections, and when they do that party typically takes the place of another in the duopoly. In 1912, a split in the Republican Party led to a...
  4. WI: TR Doesn't Run in 1912

    Theodore Roosevelt originally planned to sit out the 1912 election and wait for 1916. But he later changed his mind and unsuccessfully challenged President Taft in 1912. After being denied the Republican nomination, he ran on the Progressive ticket and came in second place to Woodrow Wilson...
  5. AHC/WI: Teddy Roosevelt wins in 1912 on the Progressive ticket.

    Much has been written about Teddy Roosevelt winning the Republican nomination in 1912, but is it possible to get him as president on the Progressive ticket? I imagine that this would require a different Democratic candidate and potentially a scandal. Is there any way this could be done...
  6. WI: Roosevelt Sits Out 1912, Wins in 1916

    Theodore Roosevelt's original plan to make a presidential comeback was to not run in 1912, but then run as a Republican in 1916. However, under pressure from left wing Republicans and compelled by his own sense of duty, Roosevelt challenged Taft in 1912 before making an unusually successful...
  7. Bomster

    AHC: Have Roosevelt and the Progressives win the 1912 Election

    I know that it would be difficult, maybe even a little ASB, for Roosevelt to win in 1912 under the Progressive Party, but using all of your historical resources and all the butterflies you can make Roosevelt and the Progressives win the 1912 presidential election.
  8. Arquebus

    King's Flower: An Infobox Timeline
    Threadmarks: Update #1: Liberal Party of Canada leadership election, 1948

    When on January 20, 1948, longtime Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King called on the Liberal Party to hold a national convention to choose a new leader, his shadow rightfully loomed large. Hand chosen to be the next leader of the Liberal Party by former Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier...
  9. WI: A More Successful Progressive Party?

    EDIT: 1912 Progressives.
  10. The Left Vindicated: The Rise of the Socialist Party of America

    Chapter I: The Death of a Lion (June 28th, 1912) It was another late night in the study at Sagamore Hill for former President Theodore Roosevelt and he knew that this was the first of many sleepless nights for the next few months. Just the week before TR had led his delegates and supporters out...
  11. Gukpard

    WI Roosevelt as POTUS joins WWI in 1914

    A year ago i asked here in the forum what would be the most belligerant president on america's history, and the answer was Theodore Roosevelt let's say that Roosevelt wins the election of 1912 under the progressive party, and he declares war on Germany as the battle of the marne starts, what is...
  12. New Deal Coalition Retained: A Sixth Party System Wikibox Timeline

    Hi all. This is my first thread. I've wanted to do a political timeline for a while, and I decided to try something familiar to me. I just want to answer a few questions: This is not a wank. I may be on the conservative side of things but all sides will get a fair shake. Liberals and...