Cousins Against the World: What if the UK, Germany and Russia allied, and (almost) everyone else decided to fight them?

I’d like to post here some of the maps/other stuff I’ve made for this timeline, and use it for discussion and expansion of the story. I started on Reddit, then found this as the best place to have proper “alt-history” discussions.

First, a bit of established lore.

In the year 1905, the British Empire (under pressure from a more expansionist USA and France) supports Germany in the First Moroccan Crisis. As such, the French begin to move away from Britain once again, instead forming their Entente Cordiale with Italy, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey. The British, aiming to protect from this coalition solidify the alliance with Germany and Russia and start signing treaties with many nations, such as Portugal and Greece, turning them into effectively protectorates. The ”Informal Empire” in South America is made more formal, through the signing of the South American Accord, a defensive treaty between the British, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile. The South American Treaty Organisation is formed between Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia, spearheaded by the US and their “Monroe Doctrine”. By 1912, the formal alliances are set, and a second Sino-Japanese war (over the annexation of Korea), leads to further polarisation in Asia, with Japan joining the Cousins and China joining the Entente.
Overall, the world’s great powers begin mobilising and preparing for a new, greater, war. Investments in technology increase, with the first armed aircraft seeing action in the First Algerian Revolt, by the Italian expeditionary Air Force. The Royal Navy and Imperial German Navy develop a basic seaplane carrier from the hull of some merchant ships, with the US navy following suit. The first true carrier launches in early 1915, the HMS Ark Royal, and is sent for operations around Egypt and Malta.
War breaks out in June 1915, as the Balkan Coalition of Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania (in support) invade Greece for coastal territory, and economic benefit. In November 1915, the Russian Empire invades Romania, as they refuse to stop supporting the Balkan invasion of Greece. Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey declare war on Russia in Spring 1916. Germany declares war on Austria-Hungary, and France (obliged by their Entente Cordiale) declares war on Germany, invading through Belgium, calling Britain into the war. Portugal joins in April, and capitulates to Spain and France in October. Italy joins the war in September 1916, the Netherlands in February 1917. Japan and China join their respective sides as they enter another war in May 1917, and an incident regarding Brazil and Venezuela brings the SAA and SATO into the Great War in November 1917. The US, feeling threatened by the war in the New World sends support to Brazil and Spain, invading Canada in January 1918.

Beyond that, I don’t know what happens. Help me!
Map of Allegiences