Photos of the Kaiserreich

Cut out of various second Weltkrieg tanks and panzers.







Prince Albert and Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King share a moment of levity at the 1937 opening of Parliament. Though relations with King Edward VIII and the Liberal Prime Minister were fraught at first, the affable Prince played a vital role in being a valued personal friend of the Prime Minister and a bridge between 24 Sussex and Rideau Hall, allowing both men to gradually reconcile and develop a fruitful working relationship that would play an important role in the Second World War and the Liberation of the United Kingdom.


Coalition partners: Prime Minister Mackenzie King links arms with his political rival, Conservative leader Richard Bedford Bennett, as a symbolic gesture representing the unity National Government formed in 1938 amidst the deteriorating global situation.



Top: One of the initial confrontations between civilians and armed Syndicalist thugs which sparked the Great Revolt

Middle: T.E. Lawrence ‘of Britannia’, the leader of the Loyalist forces during the revolt, depicted here shortly before the Battle of Montrose, the last engagement of the Great Revolt, which saw Lawrence and the Loyalists decisively defeat the remaining Syndicalist forces – thereby ensuring the restoration of the United Kingdom, and the destruction of Oswald Mosley’s Maximist Government

Bottom: King Edward VIII, depicted here shortly after returning to Britain from Canada, opening the first session of Parliament in the Palace of Westminster since 1925

Fumimoto Arutora MP (Ministry of Justice from 2001-2008, later Prime minister from 2013-) and Okamoto Taketsuru MP (Prime minister from 2001-2008). They were 2 first japanese of korean descent to enter cabinet, and two of the first Korean to become prime minister of empire of japan.

This picture was taken in 2005.
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A rally for korean independence in 2013. This was taken before Naminoue sinking, when many called out for korean independence due to high taxes on korea, despite being one of wealthiest of the japan. (Basically, TTL's equivalent of Catalonia) however, this ended when ferry Naminoue disaster resulted in snap election, and Minseito winning the Majorty, and Arutora became Prime Minister.

Arutora was member of Hanto Gurupu(Peninsular Group) comprised of liberal MPs of Rikken Minseito(Minseito for short), Whose tax cut policy have sated the activist's true demands, lower taxes.
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US troops resting along the road as part of the Mississippi offensive in order to drive AUS forces back to the Mississippi river the unit the 1st Infantry division would be manage to make to the city of little-rock only to be halted by fierce fighting by minutemen militias and German ¨volunteers¨
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Oswald Mosley and Benito Mussolini, the leading Totalist thinkers, at the meeting of the Totalist leaders from different countries, 11 January 1936.


A photo of Nikita Khrushchev from the movie "Enemy at the Gates", dedicated to the Ukrainian front of the Second Weltkrieg. An excerpt from the movie:
Nikita Khrushchev: I've come to take things in hand here. The war you're fighting in isn't like the other wars. This isn't like the Great Imperialistic War. This isn't like a feud between the bandit cliques during the Civil War. This war is the war for liberation of the oppressed around the world, the war for the liberation of the Ukrainian people from the German yoke. It's more than a war, it's a class war. If the Germans will defeat us, the international democratic forces will bow to the Prussian junkers. Now... I want our boys to raise their heads. I want them to act like they have balls! I want them to stop shitting their pants! That's your job. As political officers... I'm counting on you.

Second Weltkrieg era propaganda

German Indochina

Poster promoting the trans Saharan railway of National France

Russian Imperialist proster

Totalist Union of Britain poster


Alberta's Social Credit Premier William "Bible Bill" Aberhart meets Conservative leader R.B. Bennett. Talk of the Conservative Party adopting the economic principles of Social Credit, up to and including advocacy by Aberhart's successor Ernest Manning to unite both parties into a "Progressive Conservative Party", would fail as the Tories' official policy of corporatism, already contentious enough given Bennett's personal support of free markets, was considered a suitable compromise as opposed to the complete overhaul and restructuring of the Canadian and Imperial economic systems as demanded by Social Credit.
British Totalist Pamphlet Cover

Interwar Imperial German recruitment Poster. Urging people to join the Panzerkorps.

Kaiserliche Marine recruitment poster

Screen shot from the 2014 movie Fury. Following the story of a veteran tank crew and a fresh recruit. Has they push further into NatPop Russian territory, in the final days of the Weltkrieg.



'On the situation developing over in Britain this very moment, all the Combined Syndicates government have to say is this: The so-called 'Second Glorious Revolution' is nothing but a pathetic, criminal attempt bought about by the same sort of unrepentant imperialist who founded the immoral and corrupt former regime in this country: The type who claimed to be champions for the causes of 'freedom' and 'liberty', while profited from shipping 60 million to 100 million black people across the Atlantic on slave ships to work on their plantations.

Whatever it was that former Chairman and General Secretary Mosley had allegedly done, syndicalism remains the only true form of democracy that has ever, and will ever exist. Any reactionaries who dares to lift their filthy hands against it ought to be shot! It is the duty of any just government to put down any opposition to the will of the proletariat with a firm hand, whenever it can be found!

As such, the people of the Combined Syndicates of America express our solidarity with the heroic militant stand that the Union of Britain is putting up against the counter-revolution launched by the criminal and arch-traitor T. E. Lawrence, and offer full military support in their righteous struggle to drive the royalist reactionaries into the Atlantic! It is in dark times such as these that the workers of the world must stand strong together, to overcome any obstacles that seek to push back against the inevitable victory of the proletariat. We shall wipe them out, all of them! In the people's name!'

- Paul Robeson, spokesperson for the Central Committee of the Combined Syndicates of America, on the British Civil War of 1945.

Despite the defeat of Canada in 1940 and the large number of troops the CSA sent to aid the UoB, the exiled Royalist will emerged victorious in the Civil War, and saw to the restoration of the United Kingdom later that same year. The fall of the UoB, together with the Commune of France's defeat at the hands of the German Empire during the Second Weltkrieg, meant that Syndicalism was effectively eradicated outside the Western Hemisphere by the start of the 1950s.

*(OOC: This speech was based on a combination of on what Robeson, a Stalin supporter
throughout his entire life, said during an interview when asked about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 in OTL, and an article published by William Z. Foster praising Robeson for his 'firm stand' in supporting the USSR, even as communists all over the Western world became disillusioned by the Soviet's action.)
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Heer soldier on the Western Front, preparing to load machine. In preparation for a possible incoming Syndicalist assault.

Heer soldier on patrol in Eastern France.

OOC: Does anyone here have photoshop? There's some OTL propaganda that I know of that could easily be changed to fit into Kaiserreich.

The Firster soldier Lt. William Robertson and Lt. Alexander Sylashko of the Russian Volunteer Division "Ivan Turchaninov" during the Second American Civil War.

Even during the early 30s, Savinkov expressed his support for the Huey Long, seeing him as the only man in America "who can defeat the International Bolshevik threat" and "preserve the order in America" Right after the beginning the Civil War, the Russian Republic under Kornilov and Savinkov sent volunteers and additional aid to the American Union State.

Boris Savinkov: Long does not deny the people's representation, but he requires the people's representatives not to make beautiful speeches, but action and volitional tension. There are no places in Long's America for Hoover and Curtis. Hence their hatred of him.

The quote was based on actual Savinkov's writing about Mussolini.
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A pamphlet advertising America's Syndicate Meeting Of The Air*,a talkshow broadcasted by the People's Broadcasting Cooperative to "educate and prepare the American workers for syndicalist direct democracy".First broadcasted as a six-week experiment at May 30 1938 with the topic "Which Way America: Centralism, Anarchism, or Federalism?",it would prove wildly popular and continued as a television talkshow until this day,and recently a InterSys "teleconference" model.

*I can't photoshop help