Russian North Persia - Administration, Settlement etc?


Gone Fishin'
Assuming Russia is stronger in the 19th century and expands into the North of Persia (roughly the OTL Sphere of influence), how will the following work:
1. administration - direct rule, protectorate of the shah or a mixture of the type
2. Settlement: mostly Russians and Ukrainians as OTL’s settlement of Kazakhstan or a wider set of groups? Restricted to the Caspian coast or more broadly including the Zagros? Involving the unequal tenant system where Persian farmers work Russian-owned farms as tenants?
3. Ethnicity - creation of a middle rung? Armenians, Azeris, Gilakis and other groups as a buffer?
4. Economy - what to export to the metropole? Use of a local currency?
5. religion? Prohibition of missionary activities as OTL Central asia? Or some degree of efforts concentrated at minority populations
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Gone Fishin'
I think 19th century goals were to link up and control the entire Caspian coast, and to cut travel times down between the Caucasus and Central Asia; most reasonable system seems to be peeling off more sparsely settled ethnic minority areas (the rest of Azerbaijan, Gilan, Gilaki, etc areas) and then begin attempting organized agricultural settlement by Russians/Belarusians/Ukrainians.


Gone Fishin'
peeling off more sparsely settled ethnic minority areas
These ethnic minority majority areas, especially in the northwest like Azerbaijan and the north like the Gilan Caspian coast were anything but sparsely settled in Persian terms. They were some of the most densely populated parts of Persia. Then, and to this day, the population in Iran and distribution of major cities, and distribution of moisture for agriculture, is all generally more concentrated the further north and west in the county one is, and more spare the further south and east one is.
1. administration - direct rule, protectorate of the shah or a mixture of the type
Conquest like Azerbaijan.
3. Ethnicity - creation of a middle rung? Armenians, Azeris, Gilakis and other groups as a buffer?
They'll treat them like in the Russian Empire, just because they're in Northern Persia doesn't change much for them.
2. Settlement: mostly Russians and Ukrainians as OTL’s settlement of Kazakhstan or a wider set of groups? Restricted to the Caspian coast or more broadly including the Zagros? Involving the unequal tenant system where Persian farmers work Russian-owned farms as tenants?
4. Economy - what to export to the metropole? Use of a local currency?
5. religion? Prohibition of missionary activities as OTL Central asia? Or some degree of efforts concentrated at minority populations
Probably the same as CA.
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