Skelly is going to have to work harder to have his revenge...
Honestly think Skelly might eschew revenge because it’s not gonna get him what he really wants (money). Otoh maybe someone in his crew won’t want to move on to other endeavors without claiming Bush’s scalp. Or even Arthur might go for long-term vengeance…
If his name was just Takeshi we would've gotten Takeshi's Castle in the Madness verse


In Spain we call that show "Humor Amarillo." (yellow mood)
Yes, i know. Sounds racist but it was the 2000s and the idea was more satirical and comic.
In fact, the first Spanish rehearsal of Humor Amarillo appeared for the first time in 1990. The 2000s rehersal was a sorry thing made worse by the two guys that attempted to explain the program. Never two voices were so disgusting and damaging to my ear. Hitler shouting in one of his mad rages was funnier than those two lads.
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Hmmm, it was almost too easy how Ed got the jewels. Either there is going to lead to a feud inside the Union for them or the Wormists are going to retaliate. I can't wait to see how Chuckie plans to deal with this whole mess in the first place.
Since the AFC higher ups have an interest in Enochian text as shown earlier on I wonder what role my boy Enoch/Metatron play in the AFC pantheon. Were the dead sea scrolls discovered at the same time as otl?
Hmmm, it was almost too easy how Ed got the jewels. Either there is going to lead to a feud inside the Union for them or the Wormists are going to retaliate. I can't wait to see how Chuckie plans to deal with this whole mess in the first place.
Madness is just not Madness without that Tangy Twist.
Chuckie Oswald's Happy Sunshine World, perhaps?
Watch this be like Pyro Land (Team Fortress II) and end up creepy because Oswald is just that detached from reality. He thinks he's helping the NUSA's people, when what he's doing is making a ruin out of everything else and throwing more bodies into a meatgrinder.
Watch this be like Pyro Land (Team Fortress II) and end up creepy because Oswald is just that detached from reality. He thinks he's helping the NUSA's people, when what he's doing is making a ruin out of everything else and throwing more bodies into a meatgrinder.
I was thinking more along the lines of a parody of a colorful kid's cartoon from the 80s, but that could work too.