Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

However, the only way to reliably achieve this is to stop a wang named Ying Zheng. In fact, my colleagues and I at one time, at my request, discussed the question of whether it is possible to create a situation when China is disintegrated. Let's say a north-south split, or even more. We came to the conclusion that after Qin Shi Huang, there will always be someone who wants to collect what is disconnected.
tbf one thing about it is that I think a lot of the times where China split back it got back together bc they were the strongest groups even when they were split into various pieces. If other powers introduce ideas like nationalism and capitalism into the various splinters of 'China proper' and support their independence through military force until the states could stand on themselves I think it would be possible.
Yet has been just as fractured for comparatively long periods of time. Assuming 100-200 years of another Spring and Autumn/Warring States/Three Kingdoms/Jin-Song split with two or more equally-strong alliances and modern weapons, One China isn't a guarantee.
yeah especially as China gas existed twice as long as Rome.
I think clarifying you dont think that of chinese people as a whole would've had the same effect tbh, at least when it comes to me, since my main point was arguing that arrogance and autoritarism arent part of some kind of chinese essencialism.
That's true, a China screw that's just for screwing China over kinda detracts from, tbf I think a fractured China is better to China in the long term and I think the average person's quality of life could be better even tho the various polities could have much less influence individually.
As for breaking up China, I think it can be a interesting idea as well(Im personally fond of West-East swaps) but I find tiresome when the trope is only used to screw China for screw sake, saw it before and it really wasnt fun, which is why I argued that making it a ineffective giant(something akin to Russia in the russian-japanese war but with quality of life more in line with Canada's) would work just as well to hype up Japan as the protagonist of the TL without relying on the assertion that for Japan & co to do well China has to be a goner
Hmm I've never saw a Chinese screw but I think an ineffective giant is still not as good as several very functional states in China which push their own goals against each other, and rely on Japan and co. as allies and equals.
I was responding to a statement about gifts from Queen Victoria, who was not even born at the time of the Macartney Embassy, and who most certainly did reign during the Century of Humiliation.
Tbf I'm just giving you an example of the Chinese seeing them as inferiors as the Chinese thought that they could do it all by themselves anyways. The fact that you're condoning the fact that it is okay to see different states as inferior is concerning.
That doesn't make sense tbch. NATO and US are the dominant partner and can make South China shut up.
That's mainly because South China there is essentially the strongest country in Asia since Korea went full unified communist, Japan was actually invaded by the USA and never really recovered (like that one TL), Indonesia fell into a brutal civil war post WW2 where the communists won and Myanmar is still fighting their decades long guerrilla insurrection of not only communists but also Muslims. In short, South China is the strongest and most populous country in Asia outside of India (who are even more neutral aligned than usual) and they know that, so the US and NATO basically have to play nice with them even as they develop nuclear weapons and use their new NATO funded army to settle multiple border disputes in their overwhelming favor
Tbf I'm just giving you an example of the Chinese seeing them as inferiors as the Chinese thought that they could do it all by themselves anyways. The fact that you're condoning the fact that it is okay to see different states as inferior is concerning.
The fact that you respond to a simple correction of fact by attributing thoughts to me that I never expressed is concerning
tbf one thing about it is that I think a lot of the times where China split back it got back together bc they were the strongest groups even when they were split into various pieces. If other powers introduce ideas like nationalism and capitalism into the various splinters of 'China proper' and support their independence through military force until the states could stand on themselves I think it would be possible.

yeah especially as China gas existed twice as long as Rome.
China is certainly not a monolith. The Han spread into the South and assimilated them especially.
That's true, a China screw that's just for screwing China over kinda detracts from, tbf I think a fractured China is better to China in the long term and I think the average person's quality of life could be better even tho the various polities could have much less influence individually.

Hmm I've never saw a Chinese screw but I think an ineffective giant is still not as good as several very functional states in China which push their own goals against each other, and rely on Japan and co. as allies and equals.
Very possibly could be better for China due to the competition driving innovation and competence rather than the decadence Imperial Dynasties fall into within 100-200 years of founding.
Alright guys please stop before it gets worse, just advice from the TL’s author.
China is certainly not a monolith. The Han spread into the South and assimilated them especially.
Yep, which is why regionalism and nationalism could've fractured the Chinese, and I could see it occurring ittl.
Very possibly could be better for China due to the competition driving innovation and competence rather than the decadence Imperial Dynasties fall into within 100-200 years of founding.
Yep exactly, the times when China was split the most technological development occurred bc they were fighting each other.

Yep, which is why regionalism and nationalism could've fractured the Chinese, and I could see it occurring ittl.

Yep exactly, the times when China was split the most technological development occurred bc they were fighting each other.
I can see a Cantonese state or Hokkien state based on those ethnicities and languages and so on.
It'd be cool if a cult from Canton like something to do with Guanyin rose up to the challenge and became its own thing
Yep exactly, like a sane Taiping rebellion would be cool. A dualistic religion with two gods would be cool asf too, like a yehovah inspired male god and a guanyin inspired female god inspired by dualistic dao thought.
A dualistic religion with two gods would be cool asf too, like a yehovah inspired male god and a guanyin inspired female god inspired by dualistic dao thought.
Or take a wild turn and say she was the biblical God all along but they just got her gender wrong
Or take a wild turn and say she was the biblical God all along but they just got her gender wrong
That would be hilarious and could work

Tbf if it's a guanyin religion with nominal Christian influences I don't think the Bible would be that important, I think Buddhist scripture would be more dominant as well as the ppl who're creating the religion themselves.