A Better Rifle at Halloween

I thought it was guns in cwt, shells in lbs. Butmaybe that's just the army.
That is correct but I decided that aircraft bombs should be developed in hundred weight.
That allows you to start with 1 cwt bombs before working up to the 200 cwt earthquake bomb
Ok so I just found a reference to the first bombs developed by the RNAS, it included a 100lb bomb and a heavy case 112lb bomb, they were developed prewar, so definitely going to be cwt for bombs.
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I did. I was just hoping that sanity would finally breakout re: the metric system throughout the Empire a little earlier than OTL.
I learned maths, including mental maths, using the imperial system, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing in pounds, shillings and pence, yards, feet and inches, miles, furlongs and yards, hundredweights , stones, pounds and ounces; I could go on almost ad infinitum. It worked wonders for our mental agility, and of course, when someone introduced the idea of number systems with different bases, we had no problems!
Or by shot weight in pounds, 2dr; 6pdr, 17pdr, etc etc
Dear Sir, may I opine that this is not the “Tank Gun Calibre Argument Thread”, but rather the “Small Arms Calibre Argument Thread”. I think you may be looking for “Sir John Carden Survives”…
Ironically, had history gone differently the International decimalized system would have been an Anglo-French one. A fair few of the Early decimalization efforts had been British (Gunters Chain for instance) and when James Watt suggested an international decimalized system to colleagues from the Continent the French sent an invitation to the British to work out a system together based on the length of a pendulum. This was endorsed by the British parliament.

However, this was in 1790. Before it could go ahead the French cut off the heads of a fair few of the people involved and adopted their own decimalized system based on the metre. And with that died any immediate chance for a decimalized system in Britain for some time.


I learned maths, including mental maths, using the imperial system, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing in pounds, shillings and pence, yards, feet and inches, miles, furlongs and yards, hundredweights , stones, pounds and ounces; I could go on almost ad infinitum. It worked wonders for our mental agility, and of course, when someone introduced the idea of number systems with different bases, we had no problems!
I have heard similar arguments relative to the Chinese alphabet over the western one. So the perfect way to develop an new generation, Imperial systems (in plural with either British and US units being converted between them) written in Chinese characters.
I did. I was just hoping that sanity would finally breakout re: the metric system throughout the Empire a little earlier than OT

Sigh. So much wasted time spent crunching so many unnecessary numbers at great expense.
I like imperial units they have a human scale to them.
Dear Sir, may I opine that this is not the “Tank Gun Calibre Argument Thread”, but rather the “Small Arms Calibre Argument Thread”. I think you may be looking for “Sir John Carden Survives”…
I intend to take this story forward into the 1940s so we will get into tank guns at some point. However that might take me another 20 years if I am spared.
I have heard similar arguments relative to the Chinese alphabet over the western one. So the perfect way to develop a new generation, Imperial systems (in plural with either British and US units being converted between them) written in Chinese characters.


I like imperial units they have a human scale to them.

I intend to take this story forward into the 1940s so we will get into tank guns at some point. However that might take me another 20 years if I am spared.
Please try. I would love to read such a TL
An anarchist plots
15th October 1914, New York
Luigi Galleani, was planning, he had been sitting outside the Hotel Astor watching a stream of businessmen from the New York Merchants Association leaving a luncheon. Galleani stood and followed two of these plutocrats who were speaking loudly “he was right of course” said the first, a cadaverous figure in a pinstripe suit, “yes, we have a great opportunity here, with the British, French and Germans all busy slaughtering each other our exports will have no competition” replied the second, a piggish man, his jowls were flapping with delight. “Yes, I thought what he said about the Federal Reserve allowing discounts on foreign bills was interesting as well”, “Banking isn’t my thing as you know but all the big banks are all for it, yes they are busy buying bonds from Paris and Moscow” “the South Americans will be screaming for capital, with London disrupted this is America’s chance”. Galleani was sickened all he heard with this esoteric talk of bonds and debt was the capitalist class plotting how to enslave more people into their debt driven schemes.

These meetings of the Merchants Association were an ideal target, they always met at lunchtime and with a membership roll in the thousands, nearly a thousand members should be expected to attend each meeting. The Association was to have an extra meeting in two weeks’ time, this one was to discuss the uptick in labor disputes, and so people from the State government and representatives of both the Pinkerton Agency and Baldwin Felts were expected to be there.

Galleani had a number of ideas on how he might strike this target, he would need to source more explosives, but he had contacts with miners and quarrymen, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Getting the explosives into the building would be a bit more of a challenge but again the plutocratic system never considered the vulnerability inherent in their system of systematic exploitation. There would be an exploited member of the proletariat happy to assist with another blow at his oppressors. With only two weeks to carry out the plan, Galleani would need to move quickly, but since the success in Montana, he and his team were ready to stage another spectacular blow against the booted foot of oppression.

The manhunt hadn’t died down in Montana, police, BOI agents, Secret Service and various Pinkertons were swarming all over the state. Their actions were proving to be completely counterproductive; their ineptitude and heavy-handedness was going to be highly effective recruiting sergeant for the revolution. Mass arrests had taken place of various union members and the interrogations had been brutal even by the standards of frontier justice. Galleani wanted his campaign to carry on, he wouldn’t be able to remain a sword of workers if he was strapped into an electric chair. Therefore he would need to would try to make sure that this strike didn’t look anything like the last one, no truck bombs this time, he would have to pick a different method.