
  1. Germaine de Foix, Queen of Hungary

    Germaine (niece of King of France Louis XII) and Anne de Foix (first cousin of Queen Anne of Brittany) were planned to marry Jagiellon monarchs as part of French-Jagiellon anti-Habsburg alliance. Germaine was choosen as wife for John Albert, King of Poland, while Anne was choosen for Vladislaus...
  2. WI: Fernando of Aragon Marries Juana "la Beltraneja" Instead of Isabel

    Since Fernando displayed interest in marrying either, let's say Isabel dies before they're wed (maybe around the same time as her brother, maybe she's killed en route to wed Fernando, either way, she's making like a doornail - my reason for this is simple: no power on earth will make her wed...
  3. John of Girona lives-effect on the War of the League of Cambrai

    First stage of that war (Venice vs the rest World) should not be affected, but if son of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Germaine de Foix lives to adulthood, would Ferdinand still join Holy League in 1511? According to Treaty of Blois between Ferdinand and Louis XII, Louis passed his rights to Naples...
  4. PC: Bourbon Castille, Hapsburg Aragon

    With the death of Charles II of Spain in 1700, both the Bourbons and the Hapsburgs wanted control of Spain, and fought the War of Spanish Succession over it. What circumstances in that war could bring about the situation above? Is it even a possible settlement, or would each side want all of...
  5. What if the Iberian Wedding never happened?

    The Iberian Wedding between The Crown of Castile and The Crown of Aragon (Aragon and Naples) unified Iberia and practically made Spain the super power it was. Without this marriage, the course of history would have been significantly changed. Without a unified Iberia, would Aragon conquer...
  6. House of Orange

    AHC/WI: Spain keeps Sardinia

    Sardinia had been a territory of the Kingdom of Aragon since 1323, and, with the union of Aragon with Castile in 1469, part of the new kingdom of Spain. During the period of Aragonese and later Spanish rule, Sardinian culture adopted some new Spanish traditions and customs, bringing the island...
  7. Emperor Francisque-Félix

    TL Castilla Protestante

    CASTILLA PROTESTANTE 1369: After years of intense stalemate a treaty was reached where Enrique de Trastamara would become King Enrique de Léon, Galicsua, i Extrematuaré and Pedro el Justo would Become King Pedro de Castilla, Murcia, y La Mancha. With this treaty the Kingdom of Castilla y Léon...
  8. CountofDooku

    Threadmarks: Preamble

    It all began in 1086 when Yusuf ibn Tashfin was invited by the Muslim taifa princes of Al-Andalus in the Iberian Peninsula to defend their territories from the encroachment of Alfonso IV, King of León and Castile. In that year, Yusuf ibn Tashfin crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to Algecias, and...
  9. Why wasn't there a war of Aragonese succession?

    In 1410, upon the death of Martin of Aragon, the throne became vacant, resulting in an interregnum resolved by the Compromise of Caspe two years later. Why was there not a succession war instead? Such conflicts were common in this era of European history, and it's not as though the crown was...
  10. Edward of Westminster and his Most Catholic Queen

    Something I've seen a thread on twice now is the idea of Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales, marrying Isabel I, Queen of Castile. Would this have been possible? Or even plausible? And what might the effects of said match be on the world? No Catholic monarchs, for one (the idea of Fernando V...
  11. Largest possible Crown of Aragon?

    If everything went right for Aragon, how large of a territorial extent could it achieve?