barry goldwater

  1. Born to Run:A Robert F Kennedy 1964 timeline

    Coming very soon! What if LBJ stepped aside for Bobby Kennedy to follow in his brothers footsteps in 1964?
  2. AHC: Make Goldwater win the 1964 election

    Exactly as it says on the tin. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make Barry Goldwater win the 1964 election against Lyndon B. Johnson.
  3. StarlightAxolotl

    Due Opposition - Capitulation Over Cuba
    Threadmarks: Chapter Null - Intrologue

    “...According to our sources, the Blockade on the Isle of Cuba is at and end. We will bring you more information as it comes in” News Coverage, October 30th “The Cuban Missile Crisis’ resolution precipitated a collapse of confidence that shook the Kennedy administration to its core…” Loch...
  4. Born in the USSA

    WI: Goldwater in '64; LaRouche in '76?

    Anyone who's seen my other stuff will see a clear interest on the evolution of political factions and party systems, especially in the US, and there are few better examples of this evolutionary process than the 20th century party switch. This switch was a fairly drawn out process that would see...
  5. It's Raining in Camelot: An Alternate 1964 Wikibox TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    It's Raining in Camelot: An Alternate 1964 Wikibox TL By Hydrons "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." - John F. Kennedy It was December 1963, and president John F. Kennedy was seemingly on the fast track to an easy re-election. He had garnered a great deal of sympathy after...
  6. Consensus on major events of an 8-year JFK presidency

    I'm no stranger to the fact that there are dozens of threads already in this forum about what would have happened had JFK never been assassinated and served two full terms. But as far as I can tell no one's posted about this topic in *checks notes* several months, so I figured my addition would...
  7. In Your Heart, You Know He's Right: Goldwater's America and Beyond

    IN YOUR HEART, YOU KNOW HE'S RIGHT In Your Guts, You Know He's Nuts. Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 PROLOGUE Huh, Barry Goldwater 1964. Wait, what? Barry Goldwater? That's not possible. Well, seems like it is, or will be. I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but I'm going to figure...
  8. WI: Hillary Clinton Stays a Republican

    In the 1960s, Hillary Clinton (who at the time went by her maiden name Rodham) was a Republican who supported Barry Goldwater and Nelson Rockefeller. But by the end of the decade she switched parties over her opposition to Richard Nixon. What if Rodham had decided to stay a Republican? Would she...
  9. AHC: Goldwater wins in ‘68

    Title. I think it’s a given that Rockefeller must defeat Goldwater in ‘64 for the nomination. Probably can achieve this if we avoid Rockefeller’s divorce scandal. However, would that be enough? I have some questions. 1. Does Goldwater get the nomination in ‘68, or does it still go to Nixon...
  10. AHC: Johnson vs Scranton vs Wallace in '64

    The POD is that neither Goldwater or Rockefeller obtain enough delegates to win the Republican Presidential nomination in 1964. A brokered convention puts forward moderate Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton as a compromise candidate, and he goes on to face President Johnson in November...
  11. DBWI: Nixon Loses to Pat Brown in 1962

    After losing the 1960 Presidential election, Nixon made a political comeback upon his close election as Governor of California in 1962. Nixon won the state by only .7%, and he very easily could have lost. What if Brown had defeated Nixon? Would Nixon still be able to run for President again? Or...
  12. American Moderate: What if Lodge Had Run in 1964?

    In 1964, former Vice-Presidential candidate Henry Cabot Lodge stunned the nation when he won the New Hampshire Republican primary as a write-in candidate. For a time, it seemed that if Lodge officially entered the race he could beat Rockefeller and Goldwater in future primaries and clinch the...
  13. Mr_Fanboy

    No Nixon in 1960 - who gets the Republican nomination?

    As opposed to JFK, Richard Nixon had a fairly solid lock on the GOP presidential nomination for the 1960 election well before primary season. His commanding lead had scared off high profile contenders like Nelson Rockefeller. So... assuming that Nixon dies in a freak accident at some point...
  14. DCPritt

    A New Frontier with New Challenges (JFK Survives)

    (CREATOR'S NOTE: This certainly is not a new idea but I want to play this out and take this forward. I plan to be pretty in depth and start with...) CHAPTER ONE - For the Love of Dallas President John F. Kennedy is wanting to seek reelection in 1964 but most of his New Frontier Agenda is...
  15. TooManyIdeas

    AHC: Barry Goldwater becomes president

    The rules: Any POD after 1945 (So basically WW2). Goldwater must remain a hardline conservative. He must be elected democratically--no line of succession, that's too easy. Electoral college shenanigans are allowed, however. He does NOT have to be elected in 1964--any election year is...
  16. WI Barry Goldwater Lost the California primary

    What if, as expected, Barry Goldwater lost the 1964 California primary to Nelson Rockefeller? Rockefeller had mounted a strong advertising campaign in the state and Goldwater's extremist positions seemed to put him behind. The primary was a big delegate haul and was seen both at the time and...
  17. WI: Barry Goldwater wins in 1964 due to leak of MK Ultra

    So JFK lives due to Oswald slipping and falling getting out of shower hitting his head and dying. An independent reporter gains an insider in the CIA working on the MK Ultra project and provides many copy's of documents and photo's. This includes the Canadian experiments and Operation Midnight...
  18. With a POD after 1900 make the GOP shift as far right as you can without making Goldwater president.

    With a POD after 1900 make the GOP shift as far right as you can without making Goldwater president. Also, try not to go the Mecham route;).
  19. WI: Different '64 Election

    What if the early '60s were marked by even more racial tension and knee jerk reactions than IOTL and a growing number of Americans stood opposed to the Civil Rights Movement, with the 1960 Civil Rights Act passing but the '64 one failing. By the 1964 Presidential Election, in close primaries...