A Dream that became Reality: A Star Trek in 1968 snapshot

"NBC was considering paying for a second Pilot. We were having to recast most of the roles.
And then Desilu shut everything down. They were concern with how much they would have to spend.
They were already developing one show that was expensive, Mission Impossible. They did not think that they could afford to do a science fiction show. So Star Trek was shut down. It was not going to go to series,"
Interview with Gene Roddenberry, Starlog Magazine issue 30.
What is This?
This is series of short Snapshots from a Timeline.
Adam Stoney came up with a idea of Star Trek not going to series till 1968.

I like the concept. I got permission from Adam to post a short series of clips from a universe where this happen,
They are my ideas base on Adam Work.
I will not be sticking to everything he came up with.
But I hope that people enjoy this.
"You wrote a Episode of Lost In Space. Tell me about your experience on Lost in Space."

Ted Sturgeon: "I summited a idea about a planet that seem to be a paradise and then it turns out that the planet is a Amusement Park Planet.
Any thing that they image, can come to life
I hated the Character of Doctor Smith and the Robot so I had Doctor Smith see the first appearance of the Rabbit and Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Then He ran back to the ship and hid for the rest of the episode and The Robot starts to malfunctions and shut down."

"Professor Robinson and his Wife remember when they were first dating and the man that Maureen was dating before they were together. The Man shows up and Proffesor Robinson become jealous as Maureen seem to be overly friendly with him.
Judy meets a Young Man and fall for him. Don goes looking for Judy and find her but she behaving strangely .
And Will and Penny find them selves dealing with Pirates and a Don Quixote style Knight."

"Professor Robinson end up in a fist fight with Maureen's Ex Boyfriend .
Don discovers that the Judy he is with is not the real one. He find the real one and admits his feelings for her.
But then they see Will and Penny running away from the Pirates and suddenly Will get shot by one of the Pirates.
He dies in his Father arms. "

"As the Robinsons are dealing with the grief of Will's Death, His body disappears. They realize that the planet is some kind of a advance amusement park.
A old man shows up and tell them that they are right. Then Will appears alive again. The planet use it advance technology to bring him back. He also tells them that they have fix the Robot who try to interact with the computer that runs the planet and malfunctioned.
The Robinson have dealt with their suppressed feelings. They Leave the planet having learned something about themselves."

"That was the outline that I sold to the Lost in Space Show. It was a fun Script that developed the Characters."

"And the episode that was filmed was very different?"

Ted Sturgeon: " They changed just about every thing. The only thing in the episode that was in my Script was Dr. Smith see Alice and the Rabbit and then hiding in the Jupiter 2.
They titled the episode "The Space Amusement Park"
I describes the planet as a peaceful forest planet. They instead made the planet a abandon amusement part with broken down rides.
Instead of Maureen ex boyfriend and Professor Robinson dealing with old feeling of jealousy, they are attack by a evil Clown.
Judy does not find her idea boyfriend instead she meets a member of a circus.
The Judy double shows up wearing a circus style outfit and is clearly a Android. It clearly not Judy .
And instead of the Robot malfunctioning, It has a romance with a Female Robot."

"And there is no pay off. No one learns anything or deals with their emotions.
Don does not admit his feeling to Judy.
And Will is not killed. Instead he breaks his arm."

"So There was nothing you like of the episode?"

Ted Sturgeon : "The only things that I like was that they keep the idea that Doctor Smith getting scared and hiding in the Jupiter Two and the fight between the Clown and Professor Robinson. The Director Don Richardson did shot the Fight on the Marry Go Round.
There was a feeling of things going out of control on the Marry Go Round as the fight happens and it speed ups. "

"It was so bad that I have never return to do any more writing for Television. Some Friends have try to get me to write for some others shows. George Clayton Johnson and Richard Matheson both encourage me to write for Star Trek. But I just did not want to deal with the trouble that writing for a Television show entails. It just not worth it."

Interview with Ted Sturgeon in Locus Magazine May 1984.


Matte Painting for the Lost in Space Episode "The Space Amusement Park." done by Wah Chang.
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Author Notes.
This is how I think Lost in Space would have adapted one of Star Trek best episodes, Shore Leave.
I once read a interview of a writer who work on Irwin Allen "the Time Tunnel' and He mention writing a episode dealing with Lincoln.
There was a great scene in the script where the Time Travelers meet Lincoln. But Allan decided that the episode was running too long and cut the dialog scene since it did not move the action.
So any character development would have been thrown out.
I also threw out any mystery about the Planet.
And I added the Robot Romance. It is silly and stupid but this is the show that did the episode "The Great Vegetable Rebellion."

And the killing of a major character is out.
So no Will dying in his father arms.
A broken arm is the best I think the show might have allowed.

Wah Chang work on the original Star Trek and designed the original Star Trek Communicators as well as the Creature for the Man Trap and the Gorn and the original Romulan Bird Of Prey. But since Star Trek does not take place in this timeline, he does work for Allen on some of his shows.

I hope you enjoy this.

I will try to post the next part in a few days.
David Gerrold summiting Trouble with Tribbles to Lost in Space.
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This is off to a good start, and we already seeing how the affects of star trek debuting in 1968 have already, keep up the good works.
This is off to a good start, and we already seeing how the affects of star trek debuting in 1968 have already, keep up the good works.

I planning to do one more author who does a Star Trek Story for Lost in Space.
Than I going to answer the Question of what Nimoy was doing instead of Star Trek.
And the Final part is a look at a couple of episodes of Star Trek and how they are different from the OTL.

I glad that you are enjoying it.
Hope you enjoy the rest.

One of the Best Episode of "Lost in Space" was Writer David Gerrold's "The Fuzzies" .
It featured the Jupiter Two coming to a Space Station Trading Post in Deep Space.
The Robinsons find themselves in the middle of interstellar dispute between two Humainoid Aliens Species.
Both Aliens species are trying to colonize a Planet. Members of both races are at the Station gathering supplies .
While the Robinson try to convince officials from both species, that they are there to buy food for themselves, Penny meets a Trader/ConmanCyrano Smith who sells her a cute alien pet, A Fuzzy.

Actor Leonard Nimoy as Cyrano Smith from the episode "The Fuzzies."

But then the Fuzzy start to breed. Very quickly the Fuzzies start to overrun both the Space Station and the Jupiter Two.
The episode played up the Comedy as every time Doctor Smith opens a door or closet in the second half, Large numbers of Fuzzies drop on him.
The Robinson end up proving that Smith was a agent for the more militant aliens and they help load the Fuzzies on their Battlecruiser
As they leave the Station, they receive a message from Cyrano Smith. He buried in a pile of Fuzzies with only his head visible.
He begs them for help but Don fakes a communication problems and shut off the video signal as the Robinson laugh at his predicament.


The Space Station designed by Wah Chang, who also created the Fuzzies.
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One of the Best Episode of "Lost in Space" was Writer David Gerrold's "The Fuzzies" .
It featured the Jupiter Two coming to a Space Station Trading Post in Deep Space.
The Robinsons find themselves in the middle of interstellar dispute between two Humainoid Aliens Species.
Both Aliens species are trying to colonize a Planet. Members of both races are at the Station gathering supplies .
While the Robinson try to convince officials from both species, that they are there to buy food for themselves, Penny meets a Trader/ConmanCyrano Smith who sells her a cute alien pet, A Fuzzy.

Actor Leonard Nimoy as Cyrano Smith from the episode "The Fuzzies."

But then the Fuzzy start to breed. Very quickly the Fuzzies start to overrun both the Space Station and the Jupiter Two.
The episode played up the Comedy as every time Doctor Smith opens a door or closet in the second half, Large numbers of Fuzzies drop on him.
The Robinson end up proving that Smith was a agent for the more militant aliens and they help load the Fuzzies on their Battlecruiser
As they leave the Station, they receive a message from Cyrano Smith. He buried in a pile of Fuzzies with only his head visible.
He begs them for help but Don fakes a communication problems and shut off the video signal as the Robinson laugh at his predicament.


The Space Station designed by Wah Chang, who also created the Fuzzies.

I can see this working quite well. Not many episodes would work as far as I can work out. Like the casting of Nimoy.
I can see this working quite well. Not many episodes would work as far as I can work out. Like the casting of Nimoy.
I not planning to do any more Star Trek episodes as Lost in Space.
But I am using David Gerrold to move from Lost in Space to Nimoy next project.
Had hope to post more but ran out of time.
Will get the next part up in a few Days.
I not planning to do any more Star Trek episodes as Lost in Space.
But I am using David Gerrold to move from Lost in Space to Nimoy next project.
Had hope to post more but ran out of time.
Will get the next part up in a few Days.

I have been trying to think up other possibilities but I am not sure they will work that well..
I have been trying to think up other possibilities but I am not sure they will work that well..

Other then the Omega Glory?
I know that a Cheap Shot.
But I always felt that that episode was Star Trek trying to do a Lost in Space Episode.
One of the worst Star Treks Episodes ever.

And I did consider Spock Brian. But then I remember that Lost Is Space did do a Stolen Brain episode with Doctor Smith and the Robot.
Other then the Omega Glory?
I know that a Cheap Shot.
But I always felt that that episode was Star Trek trying to do a Lost in Space Episode.
One of the worst Star Treks Episodes ever.

And I did consider Spock Brian. But then I remember that Lost Is Space did do a Stolen Brain episode with Doctor Smith and the Robot.

I was also thinking of doing another episode as that of a a different sixties show perhaps. Omega Glory seemed to be one of the episodes that Roddenberry was considering as the pilot but then again so was Mudd's Women. Not sure if that would have been better though.
I was also thinking of doing another episode as that of a a different sixties show perhaps. Omega Glory seemed to be one of the episodes that Roddenberry was considering as the pilot but then again so was Mudd's Women. Not sure if that would have been better though.

A number of scripts not by Roddenberry that could have been a episode of some of the anthology shows would have been "City on the edge of Forever."
Balance of Terror was the Enemy Below which was also turned into a episode of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea,
Doomsday Machine could have been.
But by 1966, most anthology shows had ended. There was Out of the Unknown in Britain which ran till 1969. But the authors who wrote for Star Trek in the OTL did not have connections in Britain.

As for an episode that could be the Pilot.
Corbonite Maneuver could have been but you are dealing with the same problem that the Cage had. Too Much thinking, not enough Action.
If you want a different pilot, your best bet is a new story.
Sorry, I have not had a chance to post the next part.
This week ended up being busier than I expected .
And I have guest this weekend, so it will be next week till I get a chance to continue.
Again sorry.
"The Master of the Star Hunt: A interview with David Gerrold."
by Mick Clark and Bill Cotter in Starlog Magazine. 1981.


Early art for the movie poster of the coming film "The Star Hunt." featuring the

David Gerrold: I sold my first Script to Lost in Space and it almost destroyed my career.
The script editor changed so much in the story that other than the Fuzzy that breed so fast, there was little of my writing in the final episode.
But the episode went out under my name. So for all most a year, I could not sell any more scripts.

One day, I was on the Desilu lot trying to sell a script for Mission Impossible. At first, they like my idea but then some person came in and ask me if I was the guy that wrote the Fuzzy episode of Lost in Space. When I answered yes, they lost all interest in my story idea. I left the meeting so depressed that I was thinking of trying some other job other then being a writer on TV. I was not looking where I was going and bumped into Leonard Nimoy.
He look at me and ask me where we met before. I answered that I wrote the script for the Fuzzy episode of Lost in Space and that we had met briefly at the script reading.
He answered that he remember the original version of the script and was disappointed that they changed so many elements in the final version.
I got even more sad than and he asked why I was so down.
I told him, I had not had any luck selling any more scripts. He said he was will to help and to come with him.
He took me to the set were they were filming the pilot for his new series at Desilu.


Gene L Coon: Producer for "Tom Ripley" and "Star Trek"

He introduced me to Gene L Coon who had developed "The Munsters" and "McHale Navy".
Coon was working on the pilot for "Tom Ripley" which stared Leonard Nimoy. It was based on Patricia Highsmith's Novel The Telented Mr Ripley.
Coon told me that he had seen the episode "The Fuzzy' and that Nimoy's performance in that episode was the reason, he considered Nimoy for the role of Tom Ripley. Ripley was a anti hero con man who was only out for himself.
He said that he would give me a chance and gave me a copy of the script of the pilot for "Tom Ripley" and a copy of the Novel by Patricia Highsmith. He told me to go read them and then write a script for the series.

I love the Script for the Pilot. It was one of the greatest TV scripts I ever read. It opened with that great scene where Ripley meets a person and in 5 minutes give the guy three different names and the guy buys it. I wrote a script that introduced a character who was the son of a Mafia boss in New York. Because the son, got into trouble with the law in New York, they sent him to Italy where he runs into Ripley and get involved with his latest scam. I gave it to Coon and he love it.
He gave me a Job on the writing staff and I learn more about how to write quality scripts for TV, shows working on "Tom Ripley".
The episode I wrote became the 4th episode of the show and they casted Jack Nicholson as the character Jason Morello.
He did a great job and we brought the character back for 9 more episodes in the first season. Jack and Leonard played well off each other and they enjoy working together.


Jack Nicholson on the Set of "Tom Ripley". 1967.