A new threat to freedom: A Nazi American Cold War

The American policy of Isolation was useful at the time of the Second World War but many Americans soon saw how their actions negatively affected Europe. The Great Depression followed by the collapse of the Automotive industry devastated the American economy, the US Dollar was worthless and farmers were unable to sell their crops as a result leading to mass starvation. The Dirty Thirties as they were called caused many Americans to want focus efforts to rebuilding the American economy. With Hitler invading Poland and annexation of Czechoslovakia Americans could care less when there was no Bread or milk at home. A young man named George Lincoln Rockwell seized the opportunity, inspired by Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, Rockwell joined the American Nazi Party and organized Rallies among Chicago's German Community. The Federal Bureau of Investigation quickly began to investigate the German American groups to try and prove the FBI was competent at catching Spies. One by one Europe fell to Hitler's massive military force, refugees from Europe many which were Jews began to seek asylum all over the American continent. Himmer who wanted the upper hand began to train Germans to speak English or who had been born in Canada or America. President Dewy who beat FDR ran on the platform that Europe did not need American intervention. The first thing President Dewey did was end the US embargo on Japan, the second thing he did was socialize the Housing market. The Third act by Dewey as president was to create tne Department of Employment to implement American infrastructure and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Americans began to flood into Dewey owned houses to get people out of the Hoover Towns. While America