Axis Victory Operation Tannenbaum - how long can Swiss resistance last?

I've read a lot of threads about Operation Tannenbaum (the invasion of Switzerland by Nazi Germany) on this site, but so far I haven't found a satisfactory answer to my question: how long can Swiss resistance last?

Let's assume a typical Axis Victory scenario - the Nazis manage a victory against the USSR and a stalemated armistice on the English Channel. Despite the end of hostilities, some troops will remain on the Atlantic Wall, and even more will be needed to pacify the East, but a lot of men and resources will be freed up and the blockade will be lifted. Nazi Germany will no longer have as great a need for Switzerland as they did OTL, as they now have access to international trade directly. Hitler's views on Switzerland are well-known, so I won't go into the details of how an invasion might come about. Suffice it to say, Adolf wants the country gone and no one can tell him 'no'.

So, Tannenbaum goes ahead, with Italy joining in too. From what I've read (including the threads on this site), most of Switzerland (specifically, the lowlands) will fall in fairly short order, given that that was General Guisan's plan - abandon the less defensible areas for the National Redoubt high up in the Alps. But how long can it last, really? Switzerland was surrounded by the Axis before the invasion, and now it's also lost a huge chunk of its territory, industry and population. Supplies in the Redoubt won't last forever (I recall that there was enough for like 6 months or so), but maybe the Swiss holdouts might raid into the lowlands for provisions? If yes, then I imagine the Nazis might just go scorched earth and remove the civilians (conveniently, the East needs Germanic settlers) to deprive the Swiss of their support base.

1. How long can the Redoubt as a whole last?

2. After the Redoubt is breached, how long until the last bunker/cave/tunnel falls to the Axis?

3. After the end of organized resistance and the crushing of the last holdouts, how long could an underground resistance movement last?



I don't think Switzerland will be conquered, it will be more useful as a de facto embassy and bank between the west and Nazi Europe.
It will probably be Finlandized, agree to deport refugees, etc.
I don't think Switzerland will be conquered, it will be more useful as a de facto embassy and bank between the west and Nazi Europe.
It will probably be Finlandized, agree to deport refugees, etc.
Yeah, in my Axis victory TL, Switzerland remains independent for around 20 years as an embassy/bank, and then after another World War against the West begins, Switzerland is finally invaded, since it has outlived its usefulness.

I have not come up with how the invasion occurs, what I have in mind is how long it would take til Switzerland was invaded after the Axis win.
I get that it's a better choice to Finlandize, but Hitler hated Switzerland, and this isn't a discussion about the likelihood of an invasion, but of how long Switzerland could resist one.
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Switzerland supplied 70% of its necessary calories from domestic sources in 1945, this is up from 52% in 1940.

Germany would not need to invade, the Swiss would surrender or see a third of their population starve.
Switzerland supplied 70% of its necessary calories from domestic sources in 1945, this is up from 52% in 1940.

Germany would not need to invade, the Swiss would surrender or see a third of their population starve.
As I've read, the Redoubt would have supplies to last them a few months. Sucks for the civilians living in the lowlands, but Guisan's plan included leaving them to their fate at the hands of the invading Germans, so they might write them off anyway.

Not invading just ain't how the Nazis roll, which means they'll have to feed those starving civilians. The only reason they didn't invade OTL is because they were already at war with several other great powers.
Yeah, in my Axis victory TL, Switzerland remains independent for around 20 years as an embassy/bank, and then after another World War against the West begins, Switzerland is finally invaded, since it has outlived its usefulness.

I have not come up with how the invasion occurs, what I have in mind is how long it would take til Switzerland was invaded after the Axis win.
Send me your TL please.
Send me your TL please.
Sorry but not only it's not finished (and will still take a very long time to be released), it's not even a TL per-se, it's a novel series that just so happen to be set in an alternative timeline, hence why I don't even like to call it "my TL" because I think this is being disingenuous, I just call it a TL for convenience purposes, given that this is an alternate history forum.

Also it has ASB/supernatural/sci-fi elements similar to Wolfenstein, so I do not know if once it is released, discussion about it would be secluded to the ASB sub-forum or something similar.
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My question next is how well the Swiss would perform. They are masters of Alpine warfare and have been training on the policy of armed neutrality since the 1700s.
My question next is how well the Swiss would perform. They are masters of Alpine warfare and have been training on the policy of armed neutrality since the 1700s.
It would definitely be a tough nut to crack. The Swiss would have home field advantage, fighting on terrain that they know like the back of their hands, in a war that they've been preparing for a long time. They would make the Germans pay for the invasion in blood, but the outcome is ultimately certain. Switzerland is an island surrounded by a great fascist sea that is threatening to swallow them up. It won't be pretty, and it won't be Blitzkrieg, but they'll get worn down eventually - when the food runs out if nothing else. The question is how long it will take, and its a question I've yet to find the answer to. :D
It would definitely be a tough nut to crack. The Swiss would have home field advantage, fighting on terrain that they know like the back of their hands, in a war that they've been preparing for a long time. They would make the Germans pay for the invasion in blood, but the outcome is ultimately certain. Switzerland is an island surrounded by a great fascist sea that is threatening to swallow them up. It won't be pretty, and it won't be Blitzkrieg, but they'll get worn down eventually - when the food runs out if nothing else. The question is how long it will take, and its a question I've yet to find the answer to. :D
Yeah, it's not like German tanks and half-tracks would just come tumbling down. Those Fallschimjagers would also be fighting behind deep enemy lines. The mountains would provide a great protection for the defenders.