Belarus will dance. Metternich and Real-politik will prevail over idealism and unpracticality.

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The beginning
In the vibrant city of Berlin within the walls of the embassy of the USA, the esteemed Ambassador engaged in vital discussions with the Chancellor of Germany about the nation Belarus but rather to be more precise about its state.

The focus of their negotiations revolved around the delicate balance of power in the region and the potential for peace and stability. Chancellor of Germany proposed that country of Belarus, could serve further as a neutral intermediary, fostering dialogue and cooperation between EA and NATO and Russia, or in realsense Buffer state . In exchange, they suggested that Belarus reliance on Russia for certain resources and trade could be decupled, ensuring mutual benefit for both EU, NATO and Belarus itself.

Amidst the opulent surroundings of the embassy, the two leaders engaged in intense discussions, carefully considering the potential impact and press impact of this rather pragmatic agreement on region. After hours of negotiation, they reached a breakthrough consensus, marking a turning point in the diplomatic set up on this issue.

As the sun set over the city, the Ambassador and the Chancellor emerged from the embassy. But there was no press awaiting them.
October 2014

The President of Belarus was surprised by the unexpected development that Chancellor of Germany expressed a desire to engage in dialogue with him.
This was thinly vailed by fact that communication was addressed on basis Minks agreements and addressed toward Minister of foreign Affairs Mr Makei by
Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany Mr. Guido Westerwelle.

This unexpected overture raised eyebrows and sparked a sense of cautious curiosity within the presidential corridors.

In the presidential office, the President, accompanied by his Minister of Foreign Affairs, carefully perused the overtones from Germany. The contents of the letter, bearing the seal of Germany , were scrutinized with a blend of intrigue and circumspection. The President and his Minister absorbed the contents with measured contemplation, recognizing the potential implications of this unanticipated communication. Would peace making efforts done by Belarus bear some fruits?




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Same person is still President of Belarus and is regularly in the news.

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