Eastern European governments political leanings

Both Belarus and the Ukraine have pro-Russian Governments with Belarus still retaining a rather Soviet style of government.
I could imagine a post-Soviet Russian-led Eastern European federation, if the Rus had been a little more forceful about their empire.
I'm working on a timeline, and am curious if any Eastern European governments lean towards communism OR towards Russia?

Bulgaria is pretty affectionate towards Russia, and Greece apparently dropped them intelligence during the last round of Balkan wars - which, of course, ended up in the hands of the Serbs, who are good buddies with Russia. Slovakia doesn't mind Russia, certainly.

And yeah, Belarus and Ukraine have agendas of their own but their governments are essentially pro-Russia. Moldova used to have such a government, and Transnistria has actually voted to join Russia.
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So it would be safe to say that Slovakia, Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria if not outright joining a Russian "alliance" would probably allow forces to pass through?
Transnistria is certainly the big one. Its apprently like a little snippet of the soviet union frozen in time.

So it would be safe to say that Slovakia, Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria if not outright joining a Russian "alliance" would probably allow forces to pass through?
For what purpose?
Probally not I'd say. There's no reason for Russian troops to be passing through unless Russia has went a bit mad and gone all Red Storm Rising on Europe in which case they would solidly be the enemy.
So it would be safe to say that Slovakia, Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria if not outright joining a Russian "alliance" would probably allow forces to pass through?

Um, who are they fighting? Some of these countries are in NATO. They don't see its purpose as being to keep the Russians at bay as much as, say, the Baltics, but the Russians invading everywhere ccould alter that perception.
My TL is ASB, but there will be reasonable concern/support for the Russian Alliance to launch an invasion. Especially considering who they'll be going up against... I just haven't worked out all the details yet.


For what purpose?
Probally not I'd say. There's no reason for Russian troops to be passing through unless Russia has went a bit mad and gone all Red Storm Rising on Europe in which case they would solidly be the enemy.

I wonder what such an all-out war would look like....
I wonder what such an all-out war would look like....

Russia gets into Poland at most before NATO smashes them.
Though they;re no longer the joke they were a few years ago Russia would still lose in a war against Europe let alone having the US in too.


Russia gets into Poland at most before NATO smashes them.
Though they;re no longer the joke they were a few years ago Russia would still lose in a war against Europe let alone having the US in too.

I wonder how the EU would react...Bind them closer together then ever?
This part of the TL takes place around 2012. The US would still technically be neutral at this time, and the EU has fallen to the wayside ittl over the past few years, due to the economy/corruption etc. Knowing the current political climate towards Russia helps decide where battles will be fought and who would rather choose the lesser of two evils in Europe(mainly Poland).
This part of the TL takes place around 2012. The US would still technically be neutral at this time, and the EU has fallen to the wayside ittl over the past few years, due to the economy/corruption etc. Knowing the current political climate towards Russia helps decide where battles will be fought and who would rather choose the lesser of two evils in Europe(mainly Poland).

Are you American?
I seem to see it a lot that a lot of people over there believe Greece is the whole of Europe. Things really aren't that bad at all. It really confuses me the way so many think things are so bad over here.
France and Germany are perhaps doing better than the US (only got 2009 numbers sadly), their growth is stll positive.
Guilty as charged. I don't mean Greece on its own however. ittl, the EU as a whole fares a lot worse economically while Russia and China's economies are faring much better, to the point that they've not only been updating and revitalizing their militaries, but are considering a military / political alliance. The US and UK while maintaining diplomatic ties both with each other and with Europe, have pretty much written Europe, off economically at this point.(I'm thinking of having the current economic crisis not only start several years early, but be more severe.
Guilty as charged. I don't mean Greece on its own however. ittl, the EU as a whole fares a lot worse economically while Russia and China's economies are faring much better, to the point that they've not only been updating and revitalizing their militaries, but are considering a military / political alliance. The US and UK while maintaining diplomatic ties both with each other and with Europe, have pretty much written Europe, off economically at this point.(I'm thinking of having the current economic crisis not only start several years early, but be more severe.

You should write technothrillers.
Guilty as charged. I don't mean Greece on its own however. ittl, the EU as a whole fares a lot worse economically while Russia and China's economies are faring much better, to the point that they've not only been updating and revitalizing their militaries, but are considering a military / political alliance. The US and UK while maintaining diplomatic ties both with each other and with Europe, have pretty much written Europe, off economically at this point.(I'm thinking of having the current economic crisis not only start several years early, but be more severe.

Perhaps you should stick to writting about what you know, because you're clearly way off here. Greece, Bulgaria and Slovakia are members of NATO, with Greece being there since the Cold War, none of those would let any Russian troops to pass to attack the west and as for Serbia, well at best the only troops it will allow to pass are those that are in Kosovo since Serbia doesn't actually have a border with Russia.

As a matter of historic record, Bulgaria has been one of the less russophile slav countries, it started butting heards with Russia almost as soon as it was created.

The Russian economy is heavily relient on exports to the west, as such any crises that hits the west, will hit Russia just as hard, there's will be no Russian economic recovery without a western one. It seems hilarious to me that while the crises started in the US and was the most severe there, it's actually central Europe that collapses? Are you insane or just some kind of annoying american conservative that thinks Europe is going to collapse any second because we don't think socialism is a bad word?


Perhaps you should stick to writting about what you know, because you're clearly way off here.

A tad harsh to say the least.

He hasn’t spelt out what his point of departure is yet and generally it would help to recommend some reading material.
A tad harsh to say the least.

He hasn’t spelt out what his point of departure is yet and generally it would help to recommend some reading material.

Well he actually sort of did, he said the current economic crises will start earlier and be more severe, but that's besides the point because what he wants is pretty ASB under any circumstances, it's hard to see a POD that isn't ASB that will result in what he wants.