Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

Perhaps we will see Food Fight 2 in the next pop culture update /s
Are you telling me you want to see this world suffer even more? Have you no mercy? The thing has driven Charlie Sheen into madness, I know it has dones so to many who viewed it, let alone worked on it! Not to mention those financing and producing it ;D

I mean:
Budget$45–65 million[4][5]
Box office$73,706[4]
If Jurassic Park IV, The Independence Day II show up in TTL 2006
That's literally has 1990s vibe
We also have
Twin Tower
Young DEM President
Bosnian war but in Sudan
Forrest Gump II
True Lies II

90s, full of 90s vibes
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Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset, his cover name was Timmy Osman. Timmy Osman died in Yemen from complications of renal failure 3 months before 9/11. Osama bin Laden is buried in an unmarked grave in Saudia Arabia on the bin Laden estate.

9/11 was an inside job, President George Bush ordered it, and the US military carried out the orders. The reason was simple, President George Bush wanted Iraq's oil, he wanted Afghanistan's oil and the re-establishment of the Herion trade.
Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset, his cover name was Timmy Osman. Timmy Osman died in Yemen from complications of renal failure 3 months before 9/11. Osama bin Laden is buried in an unmarked grave in Saudia Arabia on the bin Laden estate.

9/11 was an inside job, President George Bush ordered it, and the US military carried out the orders. The reason was simple, President George Bush wanted Iraq's oil, he wanted Afghanistan's oil and the re-establishment of the Herion trade.
Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset, his cover name was Timmy Osman. Timmy Osman died in Yemen from complications of renal failure 3 months before 9/11. Osama bin Laden is buried in an unmarked grave in Saudia Arabia on the bin Laden estate.

9/11 was an inside job, President George Bush ordered it, and the US military carried out the orders. The reason was simple, President George Bush wanted Iraq's oil, he wanted Afghanistan's oil and the re-establishment of the Herion trade.
Actually, Mike Bloomberg did 9/11. This was to help his chances to get elected as mayor, read up!

Actually, Mike Bloomberg did 9/11. This was to help his chances to get elected as mayor, read up!
Don't worry guys, I reported the 9/11 Truther.

Not to make light on events though, I'm honestly surprised that with high traffic this timeline is, that it took this long for conspiracy theory 9/11 Truther BS to show up here.
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Guys, we all know that her late majesty, Queen Elizabeth, second of her name, did it as revenge (and perhaps as a way to restore British rule) over the colonies, 225 years after they declared their unrightful independence! It's so obvious if you just know where to look.

"FOR TEA! GLORY! THE SEAS! EMPIRE! BAHAHAHAHA" -Elizabeth II, September 2001

(Joking in case it wasn't obv... It was actually Philip)
I am curious what the conspiracy theory field looks like in ITTL?
Probably less active, 9/11 was really their golden goose. However, people like Alex Jones were already on the air at this time, so, I could some stuff emerging, especially after 9/4.

Most likely tho, the field remains frozen in Clinton era stuff, so domestic terrorism and stuff
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Probably less active, 9/11 was really their golden goose. However, people like Alex Jones were already on the air at this time, so, I could some stuff emerging, especially after 9/4.

Most likely tho, the field remains frozen in Clinton era stuff, so domestic terrorism and stuff
And of course JFK assassination theories and aliens


Monthly Donor
Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset, his cover name was Timmy Osman. Timmy Osman died in Yemen from complications of renal failure 3 months before 9/11. Osama bin Laden is buried in an unmarked grave in Saudia Arabia on the bin Laden estate.

9/11 was an inside job, President George Bush ordered it, and the US military carried out the orders. The reason was simple, President George Bush wanted Iraq's oil, he wanted Afghanistan's oil and the re-establishment of the Herion trade.

Joined three days ago.

Flogging utterly insane conspiracy theory.

To Coventry with you.
Teaser - Culture 2006
Teaser - Culture 2006

3 New Planets Added to Solar System

Astronomers have voted to let Pluto keep its status as a planet and admit 3 more celestial bodies into the stellar club.

Capping years of intense debate, Astronomers resolved today to keep Pluto a planet with its new definition of planet hood, while expanding it to add 3 new planetary bodies. But already the decision is being hotly criticised.

Official Pluto will remain a planet while, 3 new planets will be added Ceres, previously categorized as a planet in the 1800’s before it was reclassified an asteroid, Charon previously Pluto’s largest moon and 2003 UB313 discovered in 2003 as the farthest-known object in the solar system which is larger than Pluto.

The panel considered alternate proposals for instance reclassifying them as “plutons” ie Pluto like objects or new phrase for instance ‘Dwarf planets’. However, the decision has spawned considerable controversy within the scientific community, saying the definition could lead to dozens of new planets. “This is a shame; it is a failure to follow the science rather than our passions, still we shall see” Said Professor Iwan Williams.

But the decision for now will remain, following an electronic vote from Astronomers throughout the globe. “This is a great decision” said Alan Stern a NASA scientist, “the other definitions simply didn’t stand up, thankfully this won out preventing a small clique of people hijacking the voting system, and shrinking our solar system”

This is an argument that is bound to play out for years to come and numerous committees have failed to come to a conclusion over the issue and have taken issue with the decision, however for now this issue has been settled. But there is a new problem. 2003 UN313, now the 12th planet, will now need an official name for textbooks. Options being considered are Persephone the sister of Pluto, Pax the Latin for peace, Xena its current nickname after the televisions Warrior Princess, Galileo after the astronomer, Eris another Greek/Roman god and Rupert a joke from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, with a second vote due to be taken on the name.


The New Solar System

'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin seriously hurt in incident

Australian naturalist and television personality Steve Irwin
is in a stable condition after he was struck by a stingray during a diving expedition off the Australian coast.

The 44-year old was treated by paramedics and emergency services following an incident where a stingrays barb pierced his chest near his heart treating him in a matter of minutes, leaving him in a serious but stable condition.

The incident occurred while he was filming a documentary in Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef. It gets its name from the razor-sharp barb at the end of its tail, coated in toxic venom, which the animal uses to defend itself with when it feels threatened.

Top Gear Presenter Richard Hammond killed in crash

TV presenter Richard Hammond has been killed after he crashed in a jet-powered car while filming for Top Gear.

Mr Hammond, 36, died after being in a crash involving a dragster-style car capable of reaching speeds of about 300mph at Elvington airfield near York while filming for the BBC television programme.

Paramedics rushed to the scene but were unable to save him following severe head trauma. Leeds General Infirmary has provided no time of death.

Mr Hammond a long-time car enthusiast took and one of the three hosts of the globally popular Top Gear. The BBC has suspended filming of the programme and has commissioned a Health and Safety investigation.

Here is the teaser, I will be away from a computer over the holidays so the full update will have to wait, but I have decided to raise a poll with a runoff for the name of the 12th planet in the solar system. So have fun everyone. And thanks for keeping this TL polite, despite the subject.
No Gravity Falls then? Darkest timeline ever
Pretty sure someone like Alex Hirsch could get his ideas animated so it might be the case where the "Bill Cipher show" is made by Nickelodeon or something, specially if the likes of Adventure Time follows that route
Crocodile Hunter' Irwin seriously hurt in incident

Australian naturalist and television personality Steve Irwin
is in a stable condition after he was struck by a stingray during a diving expedition off the Australian coast.