Re-introduction of the Merchant Aircraft Carrier...


Yes, I'm sure going pirate hunting would be fun but really, does it solve the problem of the poverty which caused it? Until Somalia and other countries like it have decent government the problem will always be there.

No-one is going to invest in Somalia until there is some semblance of stability there. Large numbers of people who hijack and kidnap for a living are in anyone’s terms a hindrance to bringing stability and then investment to Somalia. So yes, the anti-piracy operations are indirectly helping the Somali people even if various outlaws do not benefit.
The British proved in America, the Caribbean, and Madagascar that if you raid the bases and take a hard line with any you capture you can either eradicate or seriously minimize the problem, to bad modern society has gotten so smart it's stupid.
Look these guys come alongside a merchant vessel in a boat down at sea level. A bucketfull of water dropped over the side of the merchant ship will go straight through their boat without even slowing down. Gravity rules OK.

By the way my son is a merchant seaman and a some of my pals are ex Royal Marines working as security on merchant vessels.
Look these guys come alongside a merchant vessel in a boat down at sea level. A bucketfull of water dropped over the side of the merchant ship will go straight through their boat without even slowing down. Gravity rules OK.

It's interesting you mention that because one "weapon" is to simply use high powered water cannon or even the normal fire hoses all the ships carry.
It's interesting you mention that because one "weapon" is to simply use high powered water cannon or even the normal fire hoses all the ships carry.

They kill at 50 ft, also rolls of razor wire with empty oil cans attached along them don't do a whole lot of good to an inflatable or come to that any kind of powerboat's propeller.
there are some operators offering specialised tours where you can go pirate hunting-options include assorted anti materiel rifles, machine guns there you go.

I've heard this joked about often - someone actually has done it? Link?
No-one is going to invest in Somalia until there is some semblance of stability there. Large numbers of people who hijack and kidnap for a living are in anyone’s terms a hindrance to bringing stability and then investment to Somalia. So yes, the anti-piracy operations are indirectly helping the Somali people even if various outlaws do not benefit.

Well, when the only way to make a living is to be a pirate, anti-piracy is hardly a way to introduce stability. What's need is an international peacekeeping effort that at the very least would have the size of combined US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are talking about at least 20 years of anarchy and poverty here.
Harriers are overkill when it comes to fighting pirates. Helos are much better. But we already have dozens of warships from various nations in the region, a few more won't solve the problem.