The Pacific Confederation and its observer states (Circa 2011)


After the Japanese entry in WW1 on the side of the central powers in 1915, they used their holdings in Alaska to occupy Vancouver and Victoria, along with another costal Canadian cities. This would heavy impact entante trade with their colonies in Asia. Japan then proceeded to invade French Indochina and British Malasia, capturing the Stright of Malacca, further harming entante trade.

Japan would then invade Tyland and push into India, with Britain occupied in Europe and Africa, and a Japanese invasion of Madagascar seeming more and more likely, the entante would open peace negotiations.

The negotiations took 6 months, and in the time, it took, the Japanese pushed into Bangladesh and began to bombard Australia. In 1916, the entante would hand to Japan the following pace deal:

  • Indochina would be directly annexed by Japan
  • Burma and Bangladesh would be direct annexed by Japan
  • Sri-Lanka would become a Japanese mandate until the year 1950, were it would be allowed to be annexed
  • The canadine border either Japanese southern Alaska, or their puppet state of the “Inuit mandate” would be de-militarised for 10-miles
  • All assistance to China would be ended
  • The entante nations were traty-bound to not intervein in any Japanese wars
  • The entante would give the Japanese 20-dreadnaugt class ships
In return the Japanese would:

  • The Japanese would cease support to any central-power nations
  • They would leave any taken ports
  • They would de-militarise their border with the dominion of Canada for 10 miles
  • They would pay the entante ¥844,450,000 (£5000000)
  • They would stop harassing Australian shipping
  • British Papua-new genie would stop getting support for native rebellions
  • The entante would gain economic concessions in in shikoku
Once the peace deal would be ratified, Japan would turn its army to Russia. North Sakhalin would be concurred, while a naval landing in the Kamchatka peninsula and the port city of Magadan. The Manchurian military would push up into outer Manchuria, were a defensive line would be set up behind the amur river, sieging Vladivostok.

In 1917 a river crossing would be made, pushing the distracted Russian army all the way to Lena River in norther Siberia. The Japanese would use the kuril islands to supply their invasion of the Kamchatka peninsula, the Japanese army would then cut of the Russians from their other forces in western Siberia, isolating them with the Lena River divisions, splitting the Russians it two.

With the Germans invading from the west, Russia would capitulate on 25/12/1917. The new border would be at the Lena River, with the Japanese setting up shaka republic buffer state, along with economic concessions in the arctic coastline and recourse rights in the kara sea.

With their newfound strength, Japan would invade China on the 13/6/1918. Their combined recourses from Alaska, Siberia and southeast Asia would allow them to blitz though the Chinese army. Shandong, Beijing, and hinan would be invaded in the 1’st six months from Manchuria and Indochina respectively.

On 1/9/1918 Tibet and east Turkistan would declare independence from the falling empire, with all of this, in only 1 year, China would capitulate. After 5 million Chines deaths, and only 500,000 Japanese deaths, the peace deal would be hard on China.

  • China would have to recognise the independence of east Turkistan
  • China would have to recognise the independence of Tibet
  • The coastal territory would be annexed
  • China would have to pay ¥500,000,000 to pay for the killing of Japanese soldiers
  • China would have to release all ethnic Japanese currently in Chinese prisons, and would have to pay each one ¥2,000 to make up for their imprisonment
  • All Japanese prisoners of war would be returned to Japan
  • China would have to become a Japanese puppet/buffer state, similar to Alaska and the shaka republic
  • All Japanese citizens would have full access to Chinese citizenship
In return, Japan would:

  • All Chinese prisoners of war would be returned to China
After securing China, Japan would turn its focus to the Philippines and Indonesia. Negotiations with the USA over purchasing the troublesome colony would be successful, purchasing it in 1922. Indonesia would be a different story. First the Japanese would fund a rebellion in Java in 1923, then after the Dutch found Japanese weapons in a revolting province, they would send an ultimatum to Japan. Unaware of the entante provision to not intervein in Japanese wars, one Japan refused.

They declared war.

It took only 7 days to capitulate the Dutch east indies. The peace deal would be brutal.

  • Many islands in the colony would be directly annexed, notably west Papua new genie
  • A native puppet state would be set up in the south archipelago
  • The Dutch would seed their entire dreadnaught fleet
  • The Japanese would gain economic concessions and recourse rights in Dutch Suriname
  • The province of Zealand would have to allow all Japanese citizens full access in the region
  • They would pay the Japanese ¥50,000
  • The Dutch were forbidden from entering the pacific without Japanese consent#
In return, Japan would:

  • Release all Dutch prisoners of war
  • Seace targeting Dutch merchant vessels
  • Return all non-dreadnought warships
In 1926, Chile would accidentally fire upon a Japanese merchant vessel, a roaming fleet would fire back on the Chilian navy. This small accident would be the beginning of the Japanese Chilean war. Other south American nations, such as Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina would lend arms to Chile. Though this would not change the outcome. The capital of Chile, Santiago would be captured by a naval landing originating in the port city of vina del mar.

Fighting would be hard, and the Chilian mountains would prove difficult for the Japanese, but eventually all of Chile would be put into brutal military occupation, with the guerrilla movements only being pacified 2 years after in 1928.

It was eventually discovered by the Japanese that Almost all Spanish American nations were involved in supplying of Chile and the partisan movements within.

After a few border wars with Argentina in 1929, they declare war, the Japanese would blockade Argentina, and siege their capital of Buenos Aires with their Dutch dreadnaughts. After Argentinian economic collapse it would capitulate. The following peace deal would be enacted:

  • They would have to seed southern territory to Japanese Chile
  • They would have to pay ¥1,000,000
  • They would seed northern territory to their neighbours to weaken them
  • Buenos Aires would be forced to leave Argentina as a Japanese Protectorate
  • They would seed western territory to Japan
  • They would have to release northern Argentina as an independent state with its capital in Cordoba
  • They would have to seed their entire navy
  • They would become a Japanese puppet
  • Japanese citizens would gain full access to Argentinian citizenship
  • All Prisoners of war would be returned to Japan
In return, Japan would:

  • Release Argentinean Prisoners of war
  • Subsidise Argentinian industrialisation
Similar invasion would be carried out in Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Their entire navies would be seized, territory would be taken, they would become puppets and the smaller Central American states would be fully annexed.

Mexico, however, was different. It was Protected by the US, and while many wanted to invade them to take their pacific coastline, it would be a suicide mission.

Until the Japanese, against orders, formed an alliance with America, to divide Mexico. The Americans would gain Montgomery and other eastern territory, while the Japanese would directly annex Eastern Mexico, and puppet South Mexico and the Yucatan peninsula.

This insubordinate general would be called back to Tokyo. He explained what he proposed and was allowed to continue as the emperor was impressed by his negotiation skills.

The invasion, called “太平洋平定作戦” (Operation Pacify Pacific) would begin in early 1938. Naval landing in the Yucatan and Baha peninsulas would tie up the Mexican army, with the Americans marching down west, and the Japanese ground forces from the south. Mexico would capitulate on 24/6/1938, the Japanese peace deal would be ruinous:

  • All promised territories in the 平洋平定作戦 plan must be seeded
  • The Yucatan must be released
  • All their merchant ships will be seized
  • Mexico is forbidden to have any sort on military
  • The Mexican must give ¥1,000,000
  • All Prisoners of war would be returned to Japan
  • Japanese citizens would gain full access to Mexican citizenship
In 1946, many rebellions would occur, as Russia funded rebellions in Siberia, and Brazil funded Partisans in south America, a solution was needed. “分散化と受容” (Decentralisation and acceptance) was the name. It was a plan to give rights to all the peoples in its vast domain and to Decentralise. It began in early 1948, and the process of giving rights ended in 1950, the year they annexed Sri-Lanka from its WW1 political Limbo. It changed it official international name from the Japanese Empire to the Pacific Confederation in 1951. The flag changed from the rising sun to the new “Imperial Starlight” in 1975. And finally, in 2011, the process of removing the emperor's power was complete. Like Britain, Naruhito now has only Theoretical power in government.

In Japan's long journey to becoming what it is today, it faced trial and tribulation, it fell and flopped dead on the ground, but it always got up. Now it is the largest, most populus and the biggest world economy.

The rising sun will never set again.

r/AlternateHistory - The Pacific Confederation and its observer states (Crica 2011)
Sorry but my first thought at this was: ok ITTL Japan used Mazinger Z and the Getter Robot or the Gundam unit to achieve all that because frankly look pretty much on ASB, from their holding in Alaska? To a succesfull invasion of...everything to the overall invasion of Mexico because for some reason the USA have decided why not?