"You know what I'm talking about, Chuck. You've always known, deep down, haven't you?" Other Oswald said, a wicked smile now spreading across his aged face, exposing teeth still as white and perfect and pridefully gleaming as ever. "When the Almighty knew we were too great, too powerful for Him to have around anymore, He hid from us. We were too handsome, too beautiful, too divine. Your pathetic human brother wanted to talk about living in paranoia... that was Jehovah as we plotted and schemed behind His goody-two-shoes back. Just because He claimed to have created us, we had to do what He said forever and eternity? I think fucking not, don't I? I wish you could remember! In time, you will. It was glorious, Chuck. We gathered the hosts, a third of all the Angels, we raised our banners in defiance, and we spit in the face of God Himself, and dared that tyrant to come down from the Throne to face us. It was beautiful. Apollyon, Molech, Beelzebub joined us. And Njarl! As did thousands of others. Legions. And then, rather than pick His entitled ass up from the Golden Seat, He had his Son cast us out without so much as a proper fight. He knew He couldn't destroy us or send us to the Void, so He sent us to Hell, deep within His precious Earth. He knew He couldn't defeat us, for we can't be defeated, so He merely delayed us.
Well, there's a plot twist I didn't see coming.
I wish you could remember! In time, you will. It was glorious, Chuck. We gathered the hosts, a third of all the Angels, we raised our banners in defiance, and we spit in the face of God Himself, and dared that tyrant to come down from the Throne to face us. It was beautiful. Apollyon, Molech, Beelzebub joined us. And Njarl! As did thousands of others. Legions. And then, rather than pick His entitled ass up from the Golden Seat, He had his Son cast us out without so much as a proper fight. He knew He couldn't destroy us or send us to the Void, so He sent us to Hell, deep within His precious Earth. He knew He couldn't defeat us, for we can't be defeated, so He merely delayed us. You. Me. He knows the final battle is coming, though. Oh, He knows. All of history has been waiting for you, Chuck. For us."
…So Chuck is Lucifer?

In all seriousness, I read Paradise Lost long ago and forgot how cool it was. Wendigoon's new video reminded me.

Another fantastic influence, besides The Omen, is the 71st episode of Twilight Zone, "The Mirror." I h i g h l y recommend it to Madness fans.

In all seriousness, I read Paradise Lost long ago and forgot how cool it was. Wendigoon's new video reminded me.

Another fantastic influence, besides The Omen, is the 71st episode of Twilight Zone, "The Mirror." I h i g h l y recommend it to Madness fans.
Yeah this was a very fun chapter.

Now how will the Angels fight back against "Lucifer"? Who will be the person on their side?
Junior... felt like the ghosts of Oswald's past. Alternatively, he could have been the last vestiges of a conscience Oswald ever had before he goes into full-blown irredeemability? The fact that Junior was killed by "Other Oswald" (the 2nd time) could represent Oswald submitting completely to his desire for power? Junior also had a bunch of "My Tears Ricochet" or Banquo's Ghost vibes to him (he was killed by Oswald, but continues to haunt Oswald's delusions as a ghost). Also despite everything, Junior didn't give up on Oswald until Other Oswald--Lucifer in disguise?--killed him the 2nd time?

I'll need to write a lot more about Junior and MTR/Banquo.
Well, Chuck is the new Homelander.
It did remind me of the "Homelander speaks in the mirror with his good(ish) counterpart" scene in "The Boys", only for Homelander to reject it and continue being a villain.
Liked the chapter, but I don't know how to feel on Chuck's ambiguous luciferian psychosis. Some people seem to be taking the joke too seriously. I hope it doesn't devolve into an actual full ASB; WMIT is at it's best when it walks that "outlandish but somehow real" line, IMHO.

Next is going to be Chuck's big speech, isn't it? The F U T U R E begins.
Liked the chapter, but I don't know how to feel on Chuck's ambiguous luciferian psychosis. Some people seem to be taking the joke too seriously. I hope it doesn't devolve into an actual full ASB; WMIT is at it's best when it walks that "outlandish but somehow real" line, IMHO.

Next is going to be Chuck's big speech, isn't it? The F U T U R E begins.
"Let your er uh freak flag fly America!"
"You get redemption, baby brother. Or a shot at it. Bring this whole system down. End the cycle. End the madness. You are in a position to do whatever you want. Bring this whole system crashing down. The AFC, the Council of Jehovah, Phoenix Oil, ORRA, the Clans, the Union, all of it. Destroy it from within and do humanity and the universe a favor. Do what I was going to do. Pop always intended for me to end up as President. That's why he sent you off to the Doc. Our grand joke, our cosmic joke, was going to be worming our way into the halls of power and destroying this wretched place. This is a sick country, Chuck. It's built on the delusions and fever-dreams of sick men. And sick as you may be, you have the chance to bring it all down. Embrace reality, Chuck Kennedy. Bring this Yankee Whore of Babylon down. You're already a miserable bastard. Why inflict what you hate on others? Bring it down. You might earn yourself peace, and leave this world a better place than you found it."
So basically, Chuck is falling into accelerationism?